Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Walk Like an Egyptian - Backwards

One of the things that is helpful to keep the shins from hurting and developing shin splints is to walk backwards at the end of your walk or run. I walk the length of my street - tenth of a mile - backwards making sure I roll through the whole range of motion for my step. (No walking backwards on tippy toes). I focus on lifting my toes as I roll my foot and this helps develop the muscles in your shins.

Most of you have strong calves and week shin muscles (yes, there are shin muscles) and the calves are pulling the muscles in the front. Strengthening the opposing muscle groups gives you balance and will help with shin splints.

Yes, the neighbors will think you are weird and don't try this on a treadmill, but it works. If you can't do this, do toe raises on a step or hearth and strengthen those shin muscles.

Cold Weather

Did I tell you I like cold weather? Actually, I love cold weather! There is nothing more invigorating than getting out in the cold weather and running a handful of miles and feel the warmth inside as the cold swirls around you. I love it!

But today is XT and hopefully all of you are doing something in the gym - remember, you get to use Baptist Healthplex on Sundays and Wednesdays for XTing (we'll give you cards on Saturday). Hit the bike, pool, elliptical, weights or something and have fun!

Blog on Marathoners!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Too Much, Too Soon, Too Fast...

You will hear me say "Watch Out for Too Much, Too Soon, Too Fast" many, many times. There is a danger of trying to do too much as you start this journey and if you do, you will injure yourself.

A lot of research, practical experience and professional sign-offs have gone into our training program and if you stick with it - you will be OK. Right now you are so excited and ready to get going that there is always the temptation to pull an Emerill - spice it up a notch. Don't!

The "BAM" can be added in June not January or February (or March, April or May for that matter). Just focus on today's activities and move.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Road Rules!

I just got in from a 34 minute run and walk. I went 3.0 miles and it felt invigorating in this cold weather! I love to run in cold weather!

Some of you may complain of your lungs feeling like they are freezing. There is a solution. Layer your clothing and cover your head. I wear a technical shirt (running shirt not cotton) under a fleece top. The tech shirt wicks away the moisture to the fleece and it moves it out to the outer layer keeping you warm inside. The head cover (not cotton) keeps your head warm and moves the moisture away from your head keeping your brains nice and toasty. And yes, I wear warm up pants with running shorts underneath. With that layering, I stay warm and my lungs don't feel frostbitten.

Enjoy the cold because the hot days are coming! I'm going to go stretch now! Blog on Marathoners!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Is Computing XTing?

Today I have been busy with church, meetings, emails, more meetings and getting your blogs up and going. I will hit the road early in the morning for my time.

Some of you may be wondering what in the world you are getting into. It's OK! Been there, done that and got three T-shirts! Don't focus on the big picture just the little box of the day of the week. All of you can do the schedule that is before you and the days and training will take care of the marathon. Focus on Today!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

What a Day!

What a day today with the kick-off of Marathon Makeover 2007! We had two meetings and each meeting had over 100 people coming to check out what all the hubbub was.

Robin, Matt and I are so excited to start training a whole new group of marathoners and are looking forward to making a whole group of new friends. It is possible to do this and before long you will be amazed at just how much you have in your basement (that is what Rocky Balboa says).

Take the small steps and follow the plan we have laid out for you and you will cross the finish line in Chicago on October 7th! More blogging later - I'm bushed!

Friday, January 26, 2007


Tomorrow we will kick off a great day and boy is it going to be exciting. Robin, Matt and I have been working hard to make Marathon Makeover the best experience yet! Hang on Marathoners!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Marathon Makeover Almost Here!

Just a few more days and the Marathon Makeover will kick off for its fourth year! I am so looking forward to a new batch of runners, walkers and woggers and I cannot wait to cross the finish line with all of you.

Here we go!