Saturday, April 21, 2007

Be Careful!!!

On our runs I notice that some of you are still thinking you are bigger and badder than SUVs and other light machinery. Road safety is a must!

ALWAYS run facing traffic and NEVER more than two side by side. When a vehicle is approaching go to single file and get over! Get in the grass if you have to!

If you run with an iPod or headphones, wear only one earphone or turn the volume down low enough to hear approaching runners and cars.

Finally, be aware of the running surface and watch your step. Don't stare at your feet when you run but be aware of the surface, looking ahead, and prepare for bumps.

Staying healthy and safe is the key and if you do so, you will finish the marathon.


LegalSec said...

I think I spent more time in the grass than I did in the street. Well, it was probably more like 60/40 with the street in the lead. But I did see a few that weren't paying attention very well. Maybe it was because we had the police working for us this morning and they thought it was for the whole day. I'll try to point that out when I see it next time. I'll pretend I'm their mama!

Kim said...

Geez, HOW many times have you told us that??? I'll start playing "mama", too! :)