Thursday, April 19, 2007

I Could've Run All Morning!

You have to sing that title to the tune of "I Could've Have Danced All Night." but this morning I had a great run! I linked up with Neal Lehan last night and since he lives around the corner we decided to run together. I set the alarm for 5:50 and we agreed to meet at 6:20 at the top of the hill. I didn't sleep well! I kept thinking I was going to oversleep or miss the alarm. I don't know why, my alarm SCREAMS at me and Robin always shoots daggers at me when it goes off. At least that is what I think she is doing but I can't see because it is so dark.

Anyway, the alarm did SCREAM and I did make it in time and there was Neal waiting. We ran a 5 mile loop around the neighborhood. At the end and 52 minutes later, I felt great! It felt like I could've done 5 more. I like it when it is like that!

Last night I did another thing that I have wanted to do. I registered for the Disney Marathon, January 2008. The Goofy Challenge was full (half marathon Saturday, full marathon Sunday) and the half is 70% full but the full is only 50% full. I think it will be fun and it will be good to run it with a few of the MMers who are running that, too or instead of Chicago. So that should be 5 marathons by 42 years old and to think that 4 years ago I was a couch potato. Life is good!

I look forward to seeing all of you Saturday at 7:20 for the shooting and 8AM for the 6 miles. Blog on Marathoners!


Christa said...

You inspire me!

Chuck Gautier said...

Go Mark! I think I can be there 7:20...Hope to see ya there!