Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Oh the Miles!

Scotty and I ran in Vicksburg yesterday afternoon. We ran the Battlefield Park again but this time went the 6 mile loop. It kicked my tail! Whew! We ran up and down some huge hills (much larger than the little loop I did last week!) and I actually had to walk up a few. I had eaten a Subway pizza for lunch (with turkey, bell peppers, olives, carrots, jalapenos) and I felt it every step of the way! We made it through the loop in 1:03:21 so it wasn't too bad but I would like to run it better. I need to start out slower.

On an interesting note, I went out this morning and decided to do a light workout and ran a slow 5K without stopping. I did it in 30 minutes. Hmmm - I ran six up and down hills in an hour taking walk breaks - 3:1 - and did 3 miles in 30 minutes without stopping. Isn't that interesting!? That's why I say that walk breaks don't slow you down.

I hope you are all keeping steady in your training and staying the course. You can do this! Blog on Marathoners!


runNcrazy said...

I need to try running at Battlefield Park sometime. I've been getting my hills in on the treadmill but I would much rather be running outside.

See you Saturday : )

Shekerra said...

hey Mark! It's Shekerra and I did my picture a while ago for the directory and I still dont see it up there. Oh and great job!I have to get in more miles outside too.