Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Registration is Closed!

Well the registration for Chicago Marathon is officially closed! They have reached their capacity and it is too late if you missed out. We have around 160 of our team that bit the bullet and registered for the marathon. Very good! I know that there are many different reasons some of you didn't register - like running other marathons - but I will miss not having all of you in Chicago and will have a blast with those of you who do!

We are still early on in our training and I hope you won't get discouraged. Some of you aren't as fast as you would like to be. That is OK - take it slow - there is time for that! Some of you haven't lost the weight you had wished - we are just cranking up the mileage and when you are doing 10 - 12 miles on Saturday and the regular during the week your body will be screaming for fat to burn. Just eat healthy and be patient! Some of you are aching - your body might be saying "watch out for too much, too soon, too fast." You scream at me - "How long will it take?" I hear you! It will take as long as it takes! many of you are couch potatoes wanting to reverse years of slide - this is a life change that will produce the results in time - not a quick fix. If you get healthy, your body will get healthy - it just waits a while to catch up with your will!

You can do this and stay the course and 160 of us will eat cheesecake in Chicago!


Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

It is about time you let all of us whiners have it! LOL
Really thanks, We needed to hear this from you.
Can't wait for Chicago. We are going to have a blast. This has been hard but so much fun already!


Christa said...

Ditto what Jana said. We needed to hear that. Thank you Mark!

cjonesrun said...

THANKS! I have hit a low as in morale and my fellow bloggers and YOU are bringing me around! Chicago, here we come!!!

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

Well said. I hope to run Chicago again in 2008. Looks like it's the year of Disney for me. Wish I could go to Chicago and be a part of the curb crew. I know Robin had a great time last year.