Thursday, October 11, 2007

Marathons... The Perfect Life Metaphor!

People always ask me, "Why a marathon?" My response is always that it is the perfect life metaphor. Marathon Makeover isn't about completing a marathon but about learning about yourself and life through training for and running in a marathon.

How many times in life have you or someone in your life made plans, applied every imaginable effort only to find the path hopelessly blocked. Couples rearranging their whole life for nine months only to give birth to a precious baby already at home cradled in the arms of God. Men and women who apply all their energy to getting a degree only to run into roadblock after another in getting that dream job that doesn't materialize for some years down the road. Teenagers pose pains far worse than plantar fasciitis or stress fractures and the rub of your mate on your last nerve can really blister your spirit.

What do you do? You dig deep, put one foot in front of the other and stay whatever course you must travel. You look for new opportunities and know that one run does not determine the next. The goal of Marathon Makeover is to get you to the starting line and this year proved to be a new experience for me. I never entertained that the race could or would be called off and all I could think of was the disappointment that all of you would feel. I grieved, got ticked, tried to figure a way to get around this and ultimately had to accept that life (and the marathon) is what it is - a journey that starts and is won before the country star sings and the Kenyans take off.

The success is staying with the commitment and arriving with your best and accepting the things you cannot change, having the courage to change the things you can and having the wisdom to know the difference.

I WILL find meaning and purpose in the pain, suffering and disappointment and use that energy to bless instead of curse. I resolve to grow in such a way that when the tired, weary and thirsty souls come to me I will have living water to share and a kind word for their journey and I will be prepared, to the best of my ability, to give them what they need. AND, when I do fail and do let others down by my own negligence or just failing to take into consideration the curve balls of live, I will step up to the plate and take ownership, responsibility and the heat and apologize and not blame it on the runners.

"WE men and women are all in the same boat, upon a stormy sea. We owe to each other a terrible and tragic loyalty."

G.K. Chesterton


Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better.

nissannurse said...

Thanks Bro,
I really needed that! It has been a very upsetting week for me. I finally got out today and took my dog for a 2 mile walk. I forgot how good it felt to "just start over" and enjoy my time outdoors today admiring God's creations. Like you said, it is what it is.....let it go.....and start moving forward.

Christa said...

Thank you for the healing words from the one person that heals us best! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And by the way, you nor any of the other MM experts EVER failed us, EVER!!!!!

runswithSandy said...

What a great reminder, this is all a journey, and the Chicago marathon finish line was NOT the actual destination. I know we've all been ticked, but thank you for helping us remember the true purpose of our training goal, which is life, not some silly race, after all. I certainly learned a great deal more about what I'm made of, and I learned that I know how to listen to my body and obey it. I also learned (again) that God will not put more on us than we can handle. Compared to the struggles some people have, this was merely a black toenail.

catseye said...

I don't know how to say this without probably putting my foot in my mouth, but I think these words, of all the great words of encouragement you've given us over the past ten months, are the best. These touched my heart where it is hurting and helped a lot. Thanks.

LegalSec said...

THIS is why you are our leader!

Chuck Gautier said...

We're not WORTHY!! Thanks, dude, and your comments have been bouncing around in my brain since lunch. It is the journey, not the finish line.... We are so lucky to have you- see ya

VICKIE said...

thank you so much for those words,, its just kinda summed it all up, ill miss you all so much, and when im home on those weekends, im gonna come see ya'll on saturday morning and maybe go around with you..
please please come to paducah and do this, you can even bunk at my house, ha
take care and thank you so much for all youve done for me

Kayra said...

Thanks Mark. I'm going to miss training with the group so much for the '08 marathon. BUT I'll be there (with Claude) ready to train for Chicago in '09