Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Between the Ears!

I am so proud of each and everyone of you who have stayed the course and continue to move forward toward the goal of finishing the Chicago Marathon! Some of you have aches and pains... OK, most of you have aches and pains... but you have earned them and they speak to your courage to persevere!

We are coming up on our 22nd group run and it is amazing to think of how far we have come in 22 weeks. Not only have we drastically improved physically (you thank God that it is ONLY 8 miles this weekend) but as a community you are a loving, supportive, encouraging group of the finest people I've met.

So 14 weeks to go until we line up for the Chicago Marathon. Believe it or not, the hardest part is what you will do between the ears. There is no more need to race between here and October 7th, just slow and steady building up to the starting line of the marathon... healthy. You will have to overcome some self-doubts and those haunting whispers in your mind that start telling you what your time will be and how the city will be shut down before you finish. You will have to remind yourself that 13.1 was supposed to be hard and you are not supposed to be ready for 26.2 miles in June.

Stay the course. Use the low mileage weeks to recover from the longer weeks and keep connected to the group. You can do this! You are marathoners!


Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

THANKS...THANKS..... and THANKS again and again for all you (and Robin and Matt) have done for us! THis is Soooo awsome. I am trying to convince myself that I can do more and push to do so, but in such awe of what I HAVE ALREADY DONE! 1/2 MARATHON!!!

Christa said...

Awesome post Mark. Thank you so much!

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

You are a blessing! Thanks for all you have done to facilitate changes in our lives!


The Miller's Blog said...

14 weeks? That's it?! Yikes!

Thanks for the great post and the encouraging words. What a great group of marathoners/friends. I bet this is the best group yet!!!! ;-)

Thanks for everything you all do!

BJ Everett said...

Claire, my 11 year old, was at the !/2 marathon party and on the way home said, "Mom, that reminded me of your class reunion." Isn't it great that we can all feel so comfortable around each other and have just been together for 5 months. We have accomplished so much and one of the highlights of it all is common friendships and a great support group.