Sunday, August 26, 2007

Worth Repeating...

As I ran the 20 mile yesterday, I was reminded of several things worth repeating:
  1. You can do this! Seeing you out there getting in the miles is so inspiring. To think that you have come so far so quickly amazes me.
  2. Saturday is for slow (not for personal records). Because of my calf injury, I have not been able to run for the past month. I have consistently cross-trained/strength trained an hour each day for the past three weeks and it has paid off (P90X is what I have been doing). Anyway, I started out running very slowly doing 2:1 intervals averaging 4.5 miles an hour (I usually run 5.5-6 miles an hour). As I got to the 13.5 mile mark, I had so much in my tank that I picked up my pace and finished strong. Saturday is for slow! Short days are for speed. You can lay it all out there at the marathon.
  3. Hydrate, Hydrate, HYDRATE. I didn't hydrate well for Saturday because I didn't plan on running the 20 miles Saturday. Plus, I've been taking decongestants that dry me out. I got a little dehydrated yesterday and probably so did you. When I realized that, I drank even more. Also, I hydrated all day long after the run and that helped.
  4. Run facing traffic!!!!!!! It's been 30 weeks of running outside and still some of you are running with traffic to your back. I watched with great concern yesterday as I saw cars coming up behind you and you not moving until they were right up behind you. Most drivers are watching but it only takes one to plough you over and you will be dead!!! PLEASE run facing traffic!!!!!
  5. One ear only!! To add to the previous post, many of you iPod runners are wearing both earplugs and are impervious to your surroundings. Cars, bikes and runners coming up behind you are like stealth bombers because you can't hear them. This is very dangerous and you MUST be careful. When you are deaf to the world around you, you are susceptible to dogs, bikes, runners and rapists. Unplug one ear and stay safe.
  6. Do the Noah!! God had the animals enter Noah's ark 2 by 2. It worked for the flood and it works for runners, too. Once again, I saw many running 3 by 3 and 4 by 4 yesterday. You take up too much room and are not leaving room for bikes and other runners. Stay in 2 by 2 formation and move to 1 in front of 1 when bikes and runners approach. It's safe, courteous and proper running etiquette.
  7. Have fun!! This is the most important. I really enjoyed stopping along the way and walking with some of you and slowing down and running with others. Running 13.5 miles with Cookie was my best run this season. We kept each other going and we made the right decision to get Foxbay out of the way first. Those hills are much better when you can't see them and your legs are fresh! Thanks Cookie for a great run!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

30th Training Run

Can you believe that you are about to run your 30th training run? In February many of you struggled with that 1 mile on the Belhaven hills. Now you will go 20!!!! TWENTY!!!!

You have come so far and done so well and you are prepared for this! This is the time to reflect back over your journey and realize that you have succeeded so many times. Many, many days you succeeded at getting up and running/walking/wogging. Many, many Saturdays you got up and made the distance to the start and made the distance to the finish AND showed up for another Saturday to do it again.

This is 4th year of doing this and believe me, you are prepared for this! Our program works and it has gotten you to 18 miles, it will get you to 20 miles, then 22 and then 26.2! Practice your positive talk. Prepare to struggle - that's part of it - and be in the moment. This is living LARGE and you don't want to wish it away.

You're doing it! You are Marathoners!

Friday, August 17, 2007

These Final Days

We are entering into the final days of training for the marathon and it is imperative that you don't slack up. I know that it is hot and hard to get going, but if you have to, get up early and hit the treadmill at the Healthplex. They would love to see you!

You are tired and the weather is hot as Hades but you can do this. Go slower. Go earlier. Carry Water!!!! Your slower pace will not translate into the marathon. Trust me, the weather and energy of the marathon will make a huge difference.

Stay the course!

Some of you are opting out of the Clinton runs for Reservoir runs in small groups. I would like to dissuade that for a few reasons:

1. Either you need the group or the group needs you. If you have it together where you don't need the group, please come and share that confidence with others. Your encouragement and enthusiasm goes a long way. If you are struggling, there is nothing like seeing 100+ other runners crazy enough to do this. You need the group.

2. Share the burden. We have runners from all over the state who make the trek to all the runs wherever they are. When you say that it is an inconvenience to get to Clinton, it might feel like a slap for those who drive from Vicksburg, Mendenhall, Laurel every Saturday morning. All the Clinton folks drive to Lakeshore without complaint - spread the love and return the favor. Your presence is powerful and needed.

3. Not much traffic at 5AM. I've heard it said that there is too much traffic in Clinton to run. Hogwash! There is traffic everywhere and as much as I wish Clinton had trails, the routes are safe and good. You have to keep your head in the game and be aware of your surroundings but that is life and is good preparation for continued training and exercise post-Marathon Makeover. In 4 years of using Clinton, we have never had someone hit in Clinton.

4. We care! Every Friday, we spend a good amount of time preparing for Saturday runs. We fill up 8-15 water coolers . We head out at 7PM to get ice for the coolers and ice them so they are cool and get up early to ice them again so they are still cool. We get cups and check the supplies and make sure we have the emergency bag in place in case of problems. We load up our truck and hit the sack by ten or eleven usually after we have finished everything to get up at 3 and be at the start by 4:15. Why do we do this? We really do care. We love this! We love you! And we miss you when you aren't there.

When it is all said and done, what will mean more to you than finishing the marathon is that you trained and finished with friends and went the extra mile with them. You were inconvenienced and your friends and family members put up with you inconveniencing them. You started, you trained and you finished... within a community. That is a makeover.. a LifeChange Marathon Makeover!

You guys and gals are great!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Excuse My Language But...

Do you have a "Damn-it Circle"?

I know, I know - an ordained minister using such language but if these long runs in the hot heat haven't elicited at least the thought of a cuss word than you get the Mother Teresa Award.

So what is a "Damn-it Circle"? Every time I encounter a really difficult situation that has me struggling and spooked, I bend over and draw a circle with my finger in the dirt or carpet (or dirty carpet). Then I stand up real tall and stomp as hard as I can inside that circle and say, "Damn-it, this will NOT beat me!"

When I am reminded later of my struggles, I remember my circle and breathe in the strength and resolve that I determined in my "Damn-it Circle" and I feel a whole lot better.

My circle has never failed me! When I get to the point that I have to whip out my "Damn-it Circle" there is no turning back - I will NOT be defeated!

Some of you need to whip out your "Damn-it Circle" or "Darn-it Circle" or "Dadgummit Circle" and STOMP, STOMP, STOMP and declare, "This will NOT beat me!" Then proceed with your success! You will run circles around those without a "Damn-it Circle"!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Mental Battle

It is time to start making your lift of things to do when the mental gets tough out there. Here are a few suggestions to get you through your miles:
  1. Plan out the 25 people you are most thankful for and think of them and pray for them at each mile. The last mile is for YOU!
  2. Break each run into small bites. "I just have an easy 5K to go!"
  3. Visualize distances you have run and tell your self you've done this before. At mile 17 you say, "OK, just out to Foxbay and back." At mile 19, you say, "I'm at Fannin Landing Intersection and doing fine!" etc.
  4. In the marathon, look for someone to talk to along the way and learn their story.
  5. Encourage someone else along the way. To give away courage means you have it.
  6. Continue to say to yourself IN PRESENT TENSE, "I am a marathoner! I'm running strong! I'm finishing the marathon. This is great!"
  7. Create a mental scavenger hunt list to look for along the route. Can I find an Elvis? Any super heroes running today? Any barefoot runners?
  8. Find your zone and disassociate from any pain. Tell yourself "Pain is weakness leaving my body. I am getting stronger and stronger!"
  9. Find one person slightly ahead of you that you can pass in the upcoming mile.
  10. Look around, take in the sights, sounds and smells and BREATHE, LOOSEN YOUR JAW AND SHOULDERS, and WIGGLE YOUR TOES.
You are so close and you can do this!