Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Mental Battle

It is time to start making your lift of things to do when the mental gets tough out there. Here are a few suggestions to get you through your miles:
  1. Plan out the 25 people you are most thankful for and think of them and pray for them at each mile. The last mile is for YOU!
  2. Break each run into small bites. "I just have an easy 5K to go!"
  3. Visualize distances you have run and tell your self you've done this before. At mile 17 you say, "OK, just out to Foxbay and back." At mile 19, you say, "I'm at Fannin Landing Intersection and doing fine!" etc.
  4. In the marathon, look for someone to talk to along the way and learn their story.
  5. Encourage someone else along the way. To give away courage means you have it.
  6. Continue to say to yourself IN PRESENT TENSE, "I am a marathoner! I'm running strong! I'm finishing the marathon. This is great!"
  7. Create a mental scavenger hunt list to look for along the route. Can I find an Elvis? Any super heroes running today? Any barefoot runners?
  8. Find your zone and disassociate from any pain. Tell yourself "Pain is weakness leaving my body. I am getting stronger and stronger!"
  9. Find one person slightly ahead of you that you can pass in the upcoming mile.
  10. Look around, take in the sights, sounds and smells and BREATHE, LOOSEN YOUR JAW AND SHOULDERS, and WIGGLE YOUR TOES.
You are so close and you can do this!


Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

Thanks.... I needed that!

Anonymous said...

These are great. I like No.1. I have used some of the others before. Thanks for helping us with the mental battle and some runs it is truly a battle. Suzanne

The Miller's Blog said...


Debra said...

Thanks for the Great Words, Mark.


nissannurse said...

I like the prayer thing. I just might have to pray for myself 26 times as well!!!! :-)

Carol said...

I like it. Inspirational but you know, I could get into the Devil's Advocate mode, and say some choice things but I won't!!!!!

I love the 26 people to pray for idea. Last year, the thought of the son of a friend who had a malignant brain tumor kept me going when I considered walking off the course because my foot hurt so bad!

VICKIE said...

i still say to myself one of the 1st things you told us, just think of this as 1 mile 26 times,,
thank you for all the helpful hints, they will be used for sure for sure