Saturday, September 01, 2007

10 Miles and Yoga

I ran 10 miles this morning with Craig Flowers and we kept a steady 2:1 interval finishing in 1:52. It was a great run and I felt great the whole way. Afterwards, Robin, Anna and I went to Beagle Bagel and got some grub and talked with Suzanne and Chuck. Great time!

I got home and unloaded the coolers with Robin and while she was washing them and Anna was sleeping, I started my P90X yoga video. It's 90 minutes of kick butt yoga and sweated like a mama-jamma! I was sweating as much inside with the A/C at 72 as I did running 10 miles outside. Wow! I love the yoga and the stretching and strengthening is making a huge difference! I hope all of you who can will make Heather's yoga class.

Went to Newk's again and now Robin and I are heading to dinner at Applebee's with Scotty and his wife Amy. I gotta stop eating out!!!

Keep blogging and jogging!!!


mom of 2 said...

Sounds like you had a good day. No football for you? Keep us posted on the p90x, I'm considering it for my new year workout program.
Have a great labor day.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed having an opportunity to spend time talking with you and Robin. I am very excited about Chicago and the future of MM.
Great job!!! Suzanne

Chuck Gautier said...

Thanks for letting us crash your family breakfast. It gets me excited hearing you discuss Chicago and plans for MM next year, too!