Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I ran instead of XT

Ok, I broke the rules and ran today instead of cross training. Why? Technology made me do it. I got the iPod thingy for my Nano and shoe and had to try it out. It did great EXCEPT as I was running I forgot to zip up my pocket and in the middle of the run my music stopped and I saw my iPod skidding across the street and cars were coming from both directions.

Remembering safety, I darted into the street and grabbed the iPod and forgot about getting run over. It was OK, I was OK and the tunes still played and the only thing that happened was some road rash on the iPod.

Fun. I uploaded it to the Nike+ site and it gave me all the info of my run. It was about 1/10 of a mile off from my GPS watch (yes, I'm a tech-no geek) so I will calibrate it.

I hope all of you are doing well and are staying on pace.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I Ran Again!

I ran again this morning and it felt sooo good. I probably need to massage, stretch and ice tonight to be on the safe side. I linked up with Chuck Gautier today, we had lunch and got a free tech shirt at Fleet Feet for trying on Brooks shoes. They discontinued my favorite pair but I bought a new pair of Nikes that felt very sweet and I got a thinga-ma-jiggy for my iPod that I can put in my shoe and it works with my nano. I can't wait to try that out!

I hope all of you are doing well and I want to encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and start making some new acquaintances. It is good to see some of you doing that and I promise we will have name tags for this coming Saturday!

Blog on Marathoners!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Got Supplements?

Throughout my training, I have used Advocare products to keep me going. You can look through their incredible line of products that are used by professional athletes across the country. Performance, weight loss and vitamin support are all available.

Go to to check out what might work for you.

Ran and Race Walked

Well, I got out on the road today and tried out the old leg. I started easy with my iPod, Thermoskin calf sleeve and an stroll. I saw a cat get run over, but it ran away - just a lot of fur flying - and by the end of the street I decided to give the leg a try.

I ran a bit - not bad - 1 minute of running - let's try the race walking. Wow, that does make the shins pop! I walked at a 14:45 pace and I figured I could do that for a marathon - 6:30 marathon, that is.

The leg felt better and better and I ran more and it started feeling great! I didn't push it but I did get it going some and I felt great. Stretching afterwards was good and no residual pain - let's hope that stays.

INTERESTING - I read today in my advanced training for marathons book that when training for marathons your body burns carbohydrates and fat. When you are going fast, your body burns carbs. When you are walking and going slower, your body is burning fat. Hmmmmm.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I know some of you are possibly experiencing some sticker shock with the travel plans. That is so normal and I want to assure you that the travel arrangements are right on target with what we planned from the start. As you remember, in the FAQ section and at the kick-off meeting, we stated that the cost for the travel package would fall in the $800-$1,000 range for those in a shared room. With the quad rate hitting $920, I am pleased that we were able to hit our target.

Now, for just a minute I want you to consider the following:

- Staying in the heart of Chicago in a 5 star hotel on the biggest event of the year.
- Hanging out with all the people you have trained with for 9 months.
- Sharing a meal, memories and encouragement with your team members and family before the race.
- Having 1.5 million people cheer you for 26.2 miles.
- Actually running and walking with 45,000 other marathoners (Elvis, Kermit, the cow and the barefoot runner, too).
- Experiencing possibly a once in a life-time event that you will share with others for the rest of your life.

What do I call the trip to Chicago? Priceless!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

What a Week!

I've been sitting here working on MM and getting all the travel stuff together. Looks good... especially after the Hilton scare. I think we will actually have better accommodations and I know better service.

My leg is still hurting - calf strain - and I have gotten a Thermoskin calf support that is like a snug sleeve that helps with calf strains and shin splints. Too bad my shin splint is on the other leg and I can't kill two birds with one stone (therm0skin).

I have not exercised all week and I will need to get to the Healthplex and get in my cardio even if I need to lay off a few more weeks for the pounding. I'm not stressed. I have had worse and I still have done all my marathons!

A friend of mine is coming Saturday to talk about speed walking and it should be very helpful. She even said she would make it to the levee to help out.

Well, I'm getting back to work on MM - stay the course marathoners!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Cars Really Do Win!

Randy gave us such a great meeting yesterday and the information was right on target. Safety is everything when you are training!

Have you ever been run over by a car? I have and it hurts! I was 12 years old and I was run over by a '76 Monte Carlo. Ouch!

I noticed many of you yesterday walking three and four wide in the road and when a car came by, you made them move over. PLEASE move to single file and get to the very side of the road. Give the cars plenty of room for a couple reasons:

1) Eventually some car will not move over and someone will get hurt; and

2) Let's be good neighbors and not create a traffic snarl. If we tick off enough drivers the police will get contacted and they will ask us not to run on the streets around Clinton and we have a lot of miles to go!

Good safety and form is moving to the side or off the road and go to single file. We will get a lot of miles in that way - safely and friendly!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Listen to your body!

I got out on the road this morning and ran my route. I got to 3.5 miles and felt a pain in my left calf. What did I do? I stopped and stretched and started running again. Did the pain stop? No. What did I do? I walked the final mile home.

Listen to your body. In the past I didn't listen to my body and pushed through only to further aggravate the area. I have learned. I will listen to my body.

What happened? I think several things. I was still a little stiff from the weekend and not stretched well enough. It was cold out there and that probably added to the stiffness. I have learned this - there is plenty of time and pain is telling my body something. I do best when I listen to it and adjust. I don't quit - I just adjust.

Get to the starting line healthy is the goal and that road is up and down... but Chicago is flat!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

What's in Your Warehouse?

The body is a funny thing! It kind of functions like a warehouse. Product comes in and product goes out. The warehouse manager's job is to keep a balance on the supplies and keep you in business as long as he/she can.

If you starve yourself, the warehouse manager says, "He we have supply problems, we better hold onto the good stuff that will keep us in operation longest!" Guess what the good stuff is? You guessed it -FAT!

The warehouse manager is a tricky dude. You can't just fool him/her with a few weeks of change in shipments. All that has been done before and the manager knows that things will return to normal and the same old same old will reoccur. So what does the manager do? NOTHING! The manger has been there and done that and has a dozen T-shirts with yo-yo's on them.

BUT, if you stay the course, the manager gets the idea that their is a new boss in town and it is time to change operations. "Hey guys, you gotta clear out the warehouse and make room for the new product. We are running out of room! Get rid of that fat, it takes up too much space - we have lean shipments coming in!"

You can help the manager get the picture by tricking it and make him believe there is a flood of orders. Send in healthy shipments 5-6 times a day and the manager will freak out and start moving fat product to make room. BUT if you don't stay the course, the manager will wise up, sit on his/her can and say, "Don't worry the boss will get over this wild hair and be back to normal in a few weeks."

Stay the course and the warehouse manager will have to change and you will see a change in the warehouse and wearhouse. It take three months of consistent change for the manager to get with it and realize there is a new sheriff in town! Stay the course and blog on Marathoners!