Monday, August 13, 2007

Excuse My Language But...

Do you have a "Damn-it Circle"?

I know, I know - an ordained minister using such language but if these long runs in the hot heat haven't elicited at least the thought of a cuss word than you get the Mother Teresa Award.

So what is a "Damn-it Circle"? Every time I encounter a really difficult situation that has me struggling and spooked, I bend over and draw a circle with my finger in the dirt or carpet (or dirty carpet). Then I stand up real tall and stomp as hard as I can inside that circle and say, "Damn-it, this will NOT beat me!"

When I am reminded later of my struggles, I remember my circle and breathe in the strength and resolve that I determined in my "Damn-it Circle" and I feel a whole lot better.

My circle has never failed me! When I get to the point that I have to whip out my "Damn-it Circle" there is no turning back - I will NOT be defeated!

Some of you need to whip out your "Damn-it Circle" or "Darn-it Circle" or "Dadgummit Circle" and STOMP, STOMP, STOMP and declare, "This will NOT beat me!" Then proceed with your success! You will run circles around those without a "Damn-it Circle"!


Carol said...

damnit damnit damnit
in a circle, in a square
you can draw it anywhere
get bad thoughts out of your hair!

Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

Along those lines.... "if you're runnin' through hell (AND IT IS AS HOT AS...)... Just keep on going!


The Miller's Blog said...


Debra said...

Well said, Oh Gifted One!


Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

My "darn it" circle is overflowing!

nissannurse said...

oooooohhh, I think I just made myself dizzy going around that circle so many times stomping on it!

Cro-Magnon said...

I don't know if I can finish now that I will be going around in circles.