Friday, August 17, 2007

These Final Days

We are entering into the final days of training for the marathon and it is imperative that you don't slack up. I know that it is hot and hard to get going, but if you have to, get up early and hit the treadmill at the Healthplex. They would love to see you!

You are tired and the weather is hot as Hades but you can do this. Go slower. Go earlier. Carry Water!!!! Your slower pace will not translate into the marathon. Trust me, the weather and energy of the marathon will make a huge difference.

Stay the course!

Some of you are opting out of the Clinton runs for Reservoir runs in small groups. I would like to dissuade that for a few reasons:

1. Either you need the group or the group needs you. If you have it together where you don't need the group, please come and share that confidence with others. Your encouragement and enthusiasm goes a long way. If you are struggling, there is nothing like seeing 100+ other runners crazy enough to do this. You need the group.

2. Share the burden. We have runners from all over the state who make the trek to all the runs wherever they are. When you say that it is an inconvenience to get to Clinton, it might feel like a slap for those who drive from Vicksburg, Mendenhall, Laurel every Saturday morning. All the Clinton folks drive to Lakeshore without complaint - spread the love and return the favor. Your presence is powerful and needed.

3. Not much traffic at 5AM. I've heard it said that there is too much traffic in Clinton to run. Hogwash! There is traffic everywhere and as much as I wish Clinton had trails, the routes are safe and good. You have to keep your head in the game and be aware of your surroundings but that is life and is good preparation for continued training and exercise post-Marathon Makeover. In 4 years of using Clinton, we have never had someone hit in Clinton.

4. We care! Every Friday, we spend a good amount of time preparing for Saturday runs. We fill up 8-15 water coolers . We head out at 7PM to get ice for the coolers and ice them so they are cool and get up early to ice them again so they are still cool. We get cups and check the supplies and make sure we have the emergency bag in place in case of problems. We load up our truck and hit the sack by ten or eleven usually after we have finished everything to get up at 3 and be at the start by 4:15. Why do we do this? We really do care. We love this! We love you! And we miss you when you aren't there.

When it is all said and done, what will mean more to you than finishing the marathon is that you trained and finished with friends and went the extra mile with them. You were inconvenienced and your friends and family members put up with you inconveniencing them. You started, you trained and you finished... within a community. That is a makeover.. a LifeChange Marathon Makeover!

You guys and gals are great!


Kayra said...

I'm beginning to wonder if you and Robin own a crystal ball. The two of you always seem to know exactly what I (and others) need to hear. Thank you.

The Miller's Blog said...

Awesome. I teared up on that last part! I agree about everybody being together on Saturday mornings. We couldn't have gotten this far without each other. THANKS for all you and Robin , and Matt do for us!!!!!

Christa said...

Very well said, as usual!

Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

Thanks so much... I for one need ALL the help I can get!!!

Each route has it's good and "not so good" points! Ughhh I remember those first few times at Fleet Feet and that AWFUL hill.... which by the way is not nearly so bad now (if I start at 5:00 and finish before the heat).... Oh and back over that CAUSEWAY! !!!!! in the heat.... But at the end.... It is all good. Thank you again for all you do. I have filled up coolers at the early am this week (I always do during registration) and taken to campuses of HCC... get coffee going and donuts out all by 6:30.... and ready to start putting students into the computer by close to 7 .... NOT NEARLY WHAT YOU GUYS DO! and I am worn OUT!

Sometimes it seems people do not realize that coolers do not get washed, loaded, unloaded, iced, watered, reloaded, put out at specific stops, locked in place, oh yeah.... don't forget cups and garbage bags.... gotta get those too!.... Signs put out in several spots...... It's kinda like all of us breaking downs our runs to all the towns like from Utica to Metro..... Madison.... down past CVS.... AND ALL IN THE WEE HOURS WITHOUT complaint...




Chuck Gautier said...

We love y'all too! sniff...sniff... see ya Saturday, and get some sleep!

Kristy Jones said...

You are right, Mark. I am one of the people skipping the Clinton runs! I just wrote on my blog about all of the things that I need to change until the marathon. Thanks for setting us straight!!

nissannurse said...

If I hadn't said it before, thanks for all the water stops and signs, and being there to welcome the first person each Saturday. A lot can be taken for granted and all of us have gotten used to seeing this each week. In my opinion, I couldn't even run one mile without the group to banter with. Hope to see more people on Saturday!!

mom of 2 said...

Your work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. I for one enjoy the 10 minute drive to Clinton every once and awhile.


Kim said...

As I stated before, Clinton is kind of my home (because it's where I went to school), so I like running there. I TRULY appreciate all the hard work you all do! Thank you! And, thanks for the swift kick; I guess I need to be up at 5:00 am to train now. *sigh*