Monday, March 05, 2007

Listen to your body!

I got out on the road this morning and ran my route. I got to 3.5 miles and felt a pain in my left calf. What did I do? I stopped and stretched and started running again. Did the pain stop? No. What did I do? I walked the final mile home.

Listen to your body. In the past I didn't listen to my body and pushed through only to further aggravate the area. I have learned. I will listen to my body.

What happened? I think several things. I was still a little stiff from the weekend and not stretched well enough. It was cold out there and that probably added to the stiffness. I have learned this - there is plenty of time and pain is telling my body something. I do best when I listen to it and adjust. I don't quit - I just adjust.

Get to the starting line healthy is the goal and that road is up and down... but Chicago is flat!


AmyW said...

upforthechallenge.blogspot's blog won't let me leave a comment, says "team members only". She has no comments to any of hers. Why is that?

Runningformyboys said...

...Hope it is nothing serious. On that note I am feeling pulling in my calves on the inside. It really feels like a muscle is pulling so I too am trying to listen to my body...Feel better soon.