Monday, May 21, 2007

I Did It!

Scotty and I hit the V'burg park and did our Monday ritual of 6 miles along the hell hills of history. As might have recalled, last week it kicked my booty and I did it in 1:06 and I felt as if breaking an hour would be an elusive, unrealistic goal. Well.... not today... I did it!

I ran up all the hills and only took an extra 1:39 walk break (not on the hills) and I finished in 59:29!!! I dropped over a minute per mile from last week. What do I attribute it to? A few things:
  1. I have hydrated better.
  2. It was cooler.
  3. I ate a few sports beans at the start.
  4. I took two Clif Blocks at mile 3; and
  5. I didn't wear my Garmin so I didn't track my pace constantly. Hmmmmm.
All in all, it was a good run and I'm feeling pretty good without all the aches and pains. I switched back to my Brooks running shoes (with green superfeet inserts) and that is helping with the shin splints.

Now, I wonder if I can beat 50 minutes?


mom of 2 said...

I love my green superfeet they are awesome and have made a huge difference with me.
Congratulations on breaking an hour; feels good doesn't it?
Have a great week.

Kim said...

Congratulations on running 6 mi in under an hour! I'm trying to do that for 5 mi. I know what you mean about "constantly checking your pace." :)

nissannurse said...

Yeah, but can you do it without your rollerblades? (ha!). Keep it up, man! Keep it up!!