Thursday, May 24, 2007

One Day Doesn't Determine the Next!

What a true statement! Robin always says that and today was case in point. As you might recall, Tuesday was a HORRIBLE running day for me but today, my 5.5 miles in 53:38 was effortless and pain free. Why? Who knows! I did stretch and work on loosening up my calves and hydrated more and rested and today was awesome with no residual pain.

So what's the moral of the story? Stick with it because tomorrow might be even better!


Robin said...

You da man!

The Miller's Blog said...

Ya'll are so funny!

Kim said...

That is what is so amazing about running--some days you don't feel like you can run 1 mile & others, you feel like you could run 50! :)

stephanie said...

I totally agree. For some reason, Tuesday always seem to get me! This past Tuesday was TERRIBLE!! It must have been because I was getting sick? (sinus infection) I am feeling muc better now though! hope y'all have a great week. I enjoyed dinner Friday night! steph