Sunday, May 13, 2007

Too Much!

What a great run Saturday! I hope you enjoyed the course.

After the run, one of runners came up to me (sorry, you are going to be used as an example) and said, "I know you said to stick to the schedule... BUT I've been adding extra miles to the training to try and get stronger. Instead of 5 miles, or 50 minutes, I've been doing 10 miles. Now my leg is hurting and I am wondering what to do?"

Well, let's see... STICK TO THE SCHEDULE!!!!!!!!

I want you to know that the training schedule has been put together by studying leading experts in marathon training and taking their combined input and compiling a program that fits our marathon date. This schedule has been looked at and approved by trainers who have many marathons under their belt and it works!

Last year, Brian Lee got anxious and overdid it. When the schedule called for 50 minutes - he did 2 hours. When it said go slow, he figured fast would make it better. How did Brian do? He watched the race results on his computer from home. He was injured in the training and dropped out. He said it was so depressing! This year, Brian sticks to schedule and he is doing great and will finish the marathon.

When I hear or see you deviating from the schedule I get very, very concerned. I know you are going to hurt yourself and risk missing the trip. I also get concerned because when you get injured and drop out, I'm left holding the bag for your room in Chicago that I've signed a contract to pay for.

I know some of you see Scotty running and training at a different level of intensity and with an advanced training schedule. Keep in mind the following - Scotty is in his early 30's, he ran cross country on a college level, he's played semi-pro soccer for years and has remained active all his life... but most importantly, he is genetically made up to be a running freak! Don't copy him - run your own race and stick to the training.

If you feel that you need a special training program that takes into count your special circumstances, please talk to me first and let's talk and see if we can avoid you getting injured and get you to the starting line healthy!!!


LegalSec said...

Thanks for caring so much! If I don't come through this injury (which was from falling on my way into work and not from going against your instructions), you won't be left holding my bag. I'm going either way because I AM A MARATHONER, which means I'll be there for all my friends! Just keep me in your prayers, because I want to cross that finish line with them! Thanks again, Mark.

Kayra said...

I'm so glad you are mentioning this. I read about others doing 5+ miles during the week and wondered if I had missed something. I'm sticking with the program bc I want to make it across the finish line and still have some energy left to go and celebrate!

BJ Everett said...

I'm testimony that the program works the way it is set up to work. I've walked for 12 weeks since I was a couch potatoe but 15 years ago I ran 3 miles daily and did SCUBA--running was to keep in shape for SCUBA diving. Now I am keeping up running with intervals of walking and have no injuries, so far, except a bruised small toe, which I hear can't be avoided. I had to skip the 9 mile run and did it on my own and it was tough doing it without the group. Slow is good--avoid injuries at all cost and keep safe. Thanks, Mark, for your support and wisdom.

Bobbie Blogs said...

love your count down to the Marathon.
Your support for the group is great.