Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Today stunk! Did you hear me? Today STUNK!!!!!!!

I knew I should've listened to my body and rested! But NoOOOOOoooo! My calves were tight, my quads shredded from yesterday's hills and my shin was feeling crunchy but I got up and set out to do an easy 30 minutes. It was not pretty and at about mile two, my toe caught the other shoe's lace loop and I almost tripped and fell. I didn't, but I had to stop and bend over and tie my shoe (one handed in the street) and the rigor mortis set in and I limped (saying wee, wee, wee) all the way home.

I stretched and advilled and I'm doing OK but I am glad tomorrow is XT! I did stop by Fleet Feet and picked up some gels and Endurox (post workout) and figured out the extra mile for us on Saturday. We will run a loop around Colonial Heights Baptist Church parking lot to get in the extra distance to make 10 miles.

Anyway, those of you who are walking slower, you might need to have a water bottle for the run. You can always use the one included in your pack or Fleet Feet has ordered some with hand sleeves or belts.

Be careful and start hydrating for Saturday now! Blog on Marathoners!


Anonymous said...

Although I didn't train as hard as you on Monday I was sucking wind by Tuesday. Thanks for reminding us that we all have good days and bad days. Suzanne

Kim said...

Ah, yes, the "character building" runs. . .hope you're better today (& resting)

The Miller's Blog said...

Good to know that even the "experienced" runners have bad days....

Kayra said...

ditto what Mandy said. I took my hydration belt with me yesterday and it made it such a difference to hydrate, even though it was a short time.

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

We all have bad days; they make us appreciate the good days even more. Hang in there, Mark.