Monday, February 05, 2007

Breathe Like a Baby...

I get asked a lot how to breathe when running or walking. Do I breathe through my nose? Can I breathe through my mouth? Here is the best answer:

Breathe like a baby!

Watch a baby breathe and you will see their little tummy rise and fall. They are breathing from their diaphragm. Deep breathing brings in the good air and circulates it throughout your whole body. Put your hand on your stomach and breathe and try to push out your hand. That's how you want to breathe will training. Through your mouth, through your nose, it doesn't matter. I breathe through my mouth - the key is not to go so fast that you are sucking wind!

This morning, I focused on my breathing and intervals. I ran for 2 minutes and walked for 1 minute and repeated that for 32 minutes. Funny thing, you would think that taking walk breaks would slow you down - it doesn't! I actually ran my mileage faster taking walk breaks than running the whole time and I recovered faster.

The intervals are good for your heart and will help you recover from the distances quicker. If you are not running yet, just go a little faster for some intervals.

You are marathoners and you are doing this! Keep it up!

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