Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mistake at Chic Fil A

OK... I went to Chic Fil A tonight to give Robin a break and I ordered food for Robin, Caroline (youngest daughter), Matt (should be our son) and myself. I didn't do well, I ordered a fried chicken sandwich (Combo No. 1) and was going to enjoy every last bite of it.

I got home and they left out my order!!! So, I ate a ham sandwich with lettuce and Kashi 7 grain crackers. I ate healthy!!! The Super Foods gods were watching out for me!

I didn't get to XT today so I ran for 30 minutes and listened to my daughter's rap music (KJ52) and had a good time running to "Yo Bref Stanks!"

I hope you all are doing well and how do you like my pacman game on my blog?


Christa said...

You are funny Mark. It helps me to know that even you want to eat junk food every now and again. Thanks for sharing.

Kayra said...

I love Chick fil A. so I've been staying away as much as possible bc a salad is just not the same.

Kim said...

The waffle fries are my favorite--can't get enough of 'em. Sounds like you dodged a bullet, there.
BTW, totally digging the Pac Man :)

The Miller's Blog said...

Great meeting yesterday! I am totally loving this blog thing. I didn't think I would.... but obviously I just don't have a life.... Hey.. great idea....Whoever blogs every single day this week should get one of those really cool prizes you hand out at the meetings.... good idea, huh? And by the way, a "bad girk" is just a bad girl who has had a half margarita too much!