Monday, February 19, 2007


I do believe I have caught up on my rest! I took today off and just did a little bit of work but mainly vegged out and relaxed. I needed it!

All of you are doing so well and I also know that many of you are beginning to experience some doubts. That is OK - doubts are to be expected. But if you have successfully finished one of the weeks of training you can do this. The weekly training is very doable and the Saturday training will gradually increase - gradually!

This is well within your reach and all you have to do is stick with it. What you are going to start experiencing is your stuff starting to surface.

Stuff is the stuff you stuff with stuff. What?

We all have things we have struggled with that we really don't want to face. So what do we do? We keep the stuff down by keeping busy, or staying lazy, or by over-eating, or over-working, or addictions, or many, many more things we do to avoid the stuff going on inside of us.

When we start the Marathon Makeover process the daily steps of getting healthy starts to shake loose the stuff that has been stuffed down. At first it scares us, but if we will push through we will get free of the stuff and move on to healthiness. Everything in us will try to revolt but don't let the stuff win!

I will podcast on this this week! Blog on marathoners!

1 comment:

Lee Ann said...

Thanks for getting that book to me