Thursday, October 11, 2007

Marathons... The Perfect Life Metaphor!

People always ask me, "Why a marathon?" My response is always that it is the perfect life metaphor. Marathon Makeover isn't about completing a marathon but about learning about yourself and life through training for and running in a marathon.

How many times in life have you or someone in your life made plans, applied every imaginable effort only to find the path hopelessly blocked. Couples rearranging their whole life for nine months only to give birth to a precious baby already at home cradled in the arms of God. Men and women who apply all their energy to getting a degree only to run into roadblock after another in getting that dream job that doesn't materialize for some years down the road. Teenagers pose pains far worse than plantar fasciitis or stress fractures and the rub of your mate on your last nerve can really blister your spirit.

What do you do? You dig deep, put one foot in front of the other and stay whatever course you must travel. You look for new opportunities and know that one run does not determine the next. The goal of Marathon Makeover is to get you to the starting line and this year proved to be a new experience for me. I never entertained that the race could or would be called off and all I could think of was the disappointment that all of you would feel. I grieved, got ticked, tried to figure a way to get around this and ultimately had to accept that life (and the marathon) is what it is - a journey that starts and is won before the country star sings and the Kenyans take off.

The success is staying with the commitment and arriving with your best and accepting the things you cannot change, having the courage to change the things you can and having the wisdom to know the difference.

I WILL find meaning and purpose in the pain, suffering and disappointment and use that energy to bless instead of curse. I resolve to grow in such a way that when the tired, weary and thirsty souls come to me I will have living water to share and a kind word for their journey and I will be prepared, to the best of my ability, to give them what they need. AND, when I do fail and do let others down by my own negligence or just failing to take into consideration the curve balls of live, I will step up to the plate and take ownership, responsibility and the heat and apologize and not blame it on the runners.

"WE men and women are all in the same boat, upon a stormy sea. We owe to each other a terrible and tragic loyalty."

G.K. Chesterton

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

This is not...

"This is not the end. This is not the beginning. This is the end of the beginning."

Winston Churchill

Now that the race is over you have to decide if you are just beginning. It's worth the life change to keep moving and that's what the Marathon Makeover is all about!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Weather or Not...

Have you checked out the weather? It looks like the weather is going to be real nice! Highs in the 50's to low 70's and lows in the 30's to low 50's.

Wait a minute, that is a huge swing and variance! Yes, it really is. It all depends on what site you are looking at. So the message I am trying to get out is to be prepared for the best and the worst. Be prepared for mild weather and for bad weather. Be prepared for cool and be prepared for cold. All in all, the weather forecasts are looking great and we should have a pleasant time.

Get your wind breakers and your cool weather clothes prepared just in case you need them and pack them all in your carry-on bag (If you carry the MM bag - put your name on it!

See you tomorrow and let's have fun!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Professional Conferences, UGH!!!!

Well, I'm sitting in Philadelphia at the Pearl River Resort at a professional conference to get the needed CEU's to renew my license that is up for renewal. I'm about to learn about pedophiles. Woohoo! I'd rather be getting ready for Chicago!!

I know that so many of you are getting excited about the trip and it is great to see everyone reflecting on this journey. The reason why Robin, Matt and I keep on doing this is because of the life changes that we experience each year and the life changes we get to see experienced by our participants. The best part is watching the life changes in you!

We are down to the last group run before the BIG ONE and I am still amazed, even after four years, oft he tremendous transformations that occur over 35 weeks. I remember sprinting ahead of you in Belhaven to get to the turn around point and tell everyone to turn around or go further for the advanced distance. As I think about it, most of the "advanced" (not all) who ran that extra distance that day are not still training. It is all of you who started out with small steps and didn't do too much, too soon, or too fast that have stayed the course.

The good news is that there are no big hills in Chicago and you are ready for the course. I can't wait to see all of you on the airplane and on the boat tour and at the pasta meal and at the starting line experiencing this incredible event. You are going to be blown away! To see your excitement as you come back into the hotel with a medal around your neck, wrapped in silver blankets worn out and beaming is a real treat and is worth seeing again and again and again!

Now is the time to take some time and relax. Get your time and miles in and enjoy the experience. Here we go!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

One more to go!

One ten-mile run down and one more to go! You have come so far and the fact is that you only have one more Clinton run to get out of the way for your Chicago Marathon debut. The biggest part now is staying the course, eating well, resting up and getting mentally prepared.

I don't want you to freak out AND I want you to prepare yourself for difficulties. There are reasons that people describe long and difficult tasks as marathons. The main reason is that they are long and difficult. Now difficult is not impossible, they are just difficult and you are prepared for that. It was difficult to get up the nerve to attend the first Marathon Makeover meeting. It was difficult to run that first mile in Belhaven. It was difficult to start getting up early every Saturday morning and meet to run before sunrise. It was difficult to run in the extreme heat for the 12 miler and 18 was hard, too.

My point is that you have encountered difficult and prevailed. There will be some difficult things you will face on the course in Chicago - and I don't know what it will be. It might be nerves, blisters, cramps or it might be nagging doubts, surfacing stuff or just plain ole fatigue. Whatever it is, now is the time to decide.

The word "decide" come from the Latin meaning "to cut from". Deciding to finish is cutting from yourself any option other than to finish. Cutting from yourself any excuse to step to the side (barring injury that is life threatening). It is burning the ships and marching forward off the beach away from our comfortable, and known, ships we've created and into the battle and unknown.

Find your reasons in the next two weeks. Find your "Why's" to finish the race. When your "why's" are strong the how becomes inconsequential. Decide now. Decide before you get on the plane. Decide before you lace up your shoes. You are marathoners and you are ready. The only thing left is the decision to keep putting one foot in front of the other until the medal is placed around your neck and you are wrapped in the silver blanket and told - "Congratulations Marathoner!"

Robin, Matt and I are so proud to have taken this journey with you and we can't wait to see your success. In actuality, you've already won the race, the rest is the decision to enjoy your life and do the spectacular!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Easy Does It!

Marathoners! You've come so far and now it is important that you take it easy! Slow down your pace, relax and keep moving but now it is all about replenishing your energy for the big day in a couple of weeks. I heard some of you were still sore come Wednesday - you should be! That's why we have 3 weeks between the last LONG run and the marathon.

This is the time to eat right, move slow, sleep a lot and start visualizing your success in Chicago. Think about your boat tour and deep dish pizza on Friday, shopping on the Magnificent Mile on Saturday, celebrating with everyone Saturday night over pasta and getting a great night sleep for the marathon on Sunday. See the city blocks packed with the thousands of people just like you and think about how alive you will be every step of the way with 1.5 million people cheering you on to success. Tell yourself pain will not stop you and that you haven't come this far to pull out.

Tomorrow we start at 6AM to get a little extra rest and an easy 10 miles. We have the tickets and running jerseys and we are ready to see you in the morning. Way to go marathoners!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I got my confirmation ticket today! Yea! This is my 4th Chicago Marathon and I still like getting that little confirmation booklet. The dictionary defines confirm as "to strengthen (a person) in habit, resolution, opinion, etc."

That's what that little book does. It strengthens my habit and resolution to do and be my best. It strengthens my determination to reach as many as possible with the message of personal possibilities. So many people lead mediocre lives leaving so much on the table. They never risk. They never stretch. They never move out of their comfort zone.

When you received your confirmation book, you were given evidence of your strength of character and personal determination. You have made it so far and the only thing left is the baptism by miles and your final confirmation into the community of Marathoners!

To all of you who have arrived at the place to celebrate, with no regrets, your confirmation booklet - I AFFIRM you!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

10 Miles and Yoga

I ran 10 miles this morning with Craig Flowers and we kept a steady 2:1 interval finishing in 1:52. It was a great run and I felt great the whole way. Afterwards, Robin, Anna and I went to Beagle Bagel and got some grub and talked with Suzanne and Chuck. Great time!

I got home and unloaded the coolers with Robin and while she was washing them and Anna was sleeping, I started my P90X yoga video. It's 90 minutes of kick butt yoga and sweated like a mama-jamma! I was sweating as much inside with the A/C at 72 as I did running 10 miles outside. Wow! I love the yoga and the stretching and strengthening is making a huge difference! I hope all of you who can will make Heather's yoga class.

Went to Newk's again and now Robin and I are heading to dinner at Applebee's with Scotty and his wife Amy. I gotta stop eating out!!!

Keep blogging and jogging!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Worth Repeating...

As I ran the 20 mile yesterday, I was reminded of several things worth repeating:
  1. You can do this! Seeing you out there getting in the miles is so inspiring. To think that you have come so far so quickly amazes me.
  2. Saturday is for slow (not for personal records). Because of my calf injury, I have not been able to run for the past month. I have consistently cross-trained/strength trained an hour each day for the past three weeks and it has paid off (P90X is what I have been doing). Anyway, I started out running very slowly doing 2:1 intervals averaging 4.5 miles an hour (I usually run 5.5-6 miles an hour). As I got to the 13.5 mile mark, I had so much in my tank that I picked up my pace and finished strong. Saturday is for slow! Short days are for speed. You can lay it all out there at the marathon.
  3. Hydrate, Hydrate, HYDRATE. I didn't hydrate well for Saturday because I didn't plan on running the 20 miles Saturday. Plus, I've been taking decongestants that dry me out. I got a little dehydrated yesterday and probably so did you. When I realized that, I drank even more. Also, I hydrated all day long after the run and that helped.
  4. Run facing traffic!!!!!!! It's been 30 weeks of running outside and still some of you are running with traffic to your back. I watched with great concern yesterday as I saw cars coming up behind you and you not moving until they were right up behind you. Most drivers are watching but it only takes one to plough you over and you will be dead!!! PLEASE run facing traffic!!!!!
  5. One ear only!! To add to the previous post, many of you iPod runners are wearing both earplugs and are impervious to your surroundings. Cars, bikes and runners coming up behind you are like stealth bombers because you can't hear them. This is very dangerous and you MUST be careful. When you are deaf to the world around you, you are susceptible to dogs, bikes, runners and rapists. Unplug one ear and stay safe.
  6. Do the Noah!! God had the animals enter Noah's ark 2 by 2. It worked for the flood and it works for runners, too. Once again, I saw many running 3 by 3 and 4 by 4 yesterday. You take up too much room and are not leaving room for bikes and other runners. Stay in 2 by 2 formation and move to 1 in front of 1 when bikes and runners approach. It's safe, courteous and proper running etiquette.
  7. Have fun!! This is the most important. I really enjoyed stopping along the way and walking with some of you and slowing down and running with others. Running 13.5 miles with Cookie was my best run this season. We kept each other going and we made the right decision to get Foxbay out of the way first. Those hills are much better when you can't see them and your legs are fresh! Thanks Cookie for a great run!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

30th Training Run

Can you believe that you are about to run your 30th training run? In February many of you struggled with that 1 mile on the Belhaven hills. Now you will go 20!!!! TWENTY!!!!

You have come so far and done so well and you are prepared for this! This is the time to reflect back over your journey and realize that you have succeeded so many times. Many, many days you succeeded at getting up and running/walking/wogging. Many, many Saturdays you got up and made the distance to the start and made the distance to the finish AND showed up for another Saturday to do it again.

This is 4th year of doing this and believe me, you are prepared for this! Our program works and it has gotten you to 18 miles, it will get you to 20 miles, then 22 and then 26.2! Practice your positive talk. Prepare to struggle - that's part of it - and be in the moment. This is living LARGE and you don't want to wish it away.

You're doing it! You are Marathoners!

Friday, August 17, 2007

These Final Days

We are entering into the final days of training for the marathon and it is imperative that you don't slack up. I know that it is hot and hard to get going, but if you have to, get up early and hit the treadmill at the Healthplex. They would love to see you!

You are tired and the weather is hot as Hades but you can do this. Go slower. Go earlier. Carry Water!!!! Your slower pace will not translate into the marathon. Trust me, the weather and energy of the marathon will make a huge difference.

Stay the course!

Some of you are opting out of the Clinton runs for Reservoir runs in small groups. I would like to dissuade that for a few reasons:

1. Either you need the group or the group needs you. If you have it together where you don't need the group, please come and share that confidence with others. Your encouragement and enthusiasm goes a long way. If you are struggling, there is nothing like seeing 100+ other runners crazy enough to do this. You need the group.

2. Share the burden. We have runners from all over the state who make the trek to all the runs wherever they are. When you say that it is an inconvenience to get to Clinton, it might feel like a slap for those who drive from Vicksburg, Mendenhall, Laurel every Saturday morning. All the Clinton folks drive to Lakeshore without complaint - spread the love and return the favor. Your presence is powerful and needed.

3. Not much traffic at 5AM. I've heard it said that there is too much traffic in Clinton to run. Hogwash! There is traffic everywhere and as much as I wish Clinton had trails, the routes are safe and good. You have to keep your head in the game and be aware of your surroundings but that is life and is good preparation for continued training and exercise post-Marathon Makeover. In 4 years of using Clinton, we have never had someone hit in Clinton.

4. We care! Every Friday, we spend a good amount of time preparing for Saturday runs. We fill up 8-15 water coolers . We head out at 7PM to get ice for the coolers and ice them so they are cool and get up early to ice them again so they are still cool. We get cups and check the supplies and make sure we have the emergency bag in place in case of problems. We load up our truck and hit the sack by ten or eleven usually after we have finished everything to get up at 3 and be at the start by 4:15. Why do we do this? We really do care. We love this! We love you! And we miss you when you aren't there.

When it is all said and done, what will mean more to you than finishing the marathon is that you trained and finished with friends and went the extra mile with them. You were inconvenienced and your friends and family members put up with you inconveniencing them. You started, you trained and you finished... within a community. That is a makeover.. a LifeChange Marathon Makeover!

You guys and gals are great!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Excuse My Language But...

Do you have a "Damn-it Circle"?

I know, I know - an ordained minister using such language but if these long runs in the hot heat haven't elicited at least the thought of a cuss word than you get the Mother Teresa Award.

So what is a "Damn-it Circle"? Every time I encounter a really difficult situation that has me struggling and spooked, I bend over and draw a circle with my finger in the dirt or carpet (or dirty carpet). Then I stand up real tall and stomp as hard as I can inside that circle and say, "Damn-it, this will NOT beat me!"

When I am reminded later of my struggles, I remember my circle and breathe in the strength and resolve that I determined in my "Damn-it Circle" and I feel a whole lot better.

My circle has never failed me! When I get to the point that I have to whip out my "Damn-it Circle" there is no turning back - I will NOT be defeated!

Some of you need to whip out your "Damn-it Circle" or "Darn-it Circle" or "Dadgummit Circle" and STOMP, STOMP, STOMP and declare, "This will NOT beat me!" Then proceed with your success! You will run circles around those without a "Damn-it Circle"!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Mental Battle

It is time to start making your lift of things to do when the mental gets tough out there. Here are a few suggestions to get you through your miles:
  1. Plan out the 25 people you are most thankful for and think of them and pray for them at each mile. The last mile is for YOU!
  2. Break each run into small bites. "I just have an easy 5K to go!"
  3. Visualize distances you have run and tell your self you've done this before. At mile 17 you say, "OK, just out to Foxbay and back." At mile 19, you say, "I'm at Fannin Landing Intersection and doing fine!" etc.
  4. In the marathon, look for someone to talk to along the way and learn their story.
  5. Encourage someone else along the way. To give away courage means you have it.
  6. Continue to say to yourself IN PRESENT TENSE, "I am a marathoner! I'm running strong! I'm finishing the marathon. This is great!"
  7. Create a mental scavenger hunt list to look for along the route. Can I find an Elvis? Any super heroes running today? Any barefoot runners?
  8. Find your zone and disassociate from any pain. Tell yourself "Pain is weakness leaving my body. I am getting stronger and stronger!"
  9. Find one person slightly ahead of you that you can pass in the upcoming mile.
  10. Look around, take in the sights, sounds and smells and BREATHE, LOOSEN YOUR JAW AND SHOULDERS, and WIGGLE YOUR TOES.
You are so close and you can do this!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Have No Fear!

You accomplished 16 miles on Saturday (for some of you, a little less)! What a monumental accomplishment! Did you know that now is the biggest, most important time to watch out for the Fear Factor? Not the TV show where you have to eat worms, but the fear that is going to creep in telling you that you still have to knock out 10.2 more miles to accomplish a marathon and that you might not have what it takes to do this.

Each year, we have had runners and walkers accomplish the 16 miles and then drop out because they can't imagine doing 10.2 more miles. Keep in mind, FEAR is False-Expectations-Appearing-Real and you have to do battle with your self-limiting beliefs that want to tell you 10.2 more is impossible. It's FALSE! You can do this! Let me put into perspective.

When you started Marathon Makeover, most of you could only do 1 mile. Now you have accomplished 16. That is a 1500% improvement! Amazing!

To go from 16 miles to 26.2 miles is only a 63.75% change. What is 63.75% compared to 1500%? Keep in mind, that jumping from one mile to two miles is a 100% increase. Here is another way to look at this:

16 miles to 18 miles = 12.5% increase
18 miles to 20 miles = 11.1% increase
20 miles to 22 miles = 10% increase
22 miles to 26.2 miles = 19.09% increase

Don't be afraid of eating the elephant with the small bites and don't let fear get in the way of your long, hard earned, waking up at 4 A.M., reputation on the line, feeling alive, new life-long friendships goal of finishing the Chicago Marathon! You can do this because YOU ARE A MARATHONER!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

A BUTT-OFF Challenge!!

OK - I see that Clark has posted his pictures of his butt and all of you have been raving about Claaaark's butt. I have always been known as the Butt-Meister and I officially throw down the gauntlet!

A "BUTT-OFF" Challenge goes out to Clark. I'll smoke 2 butts to Clark's 2 butts and we will let MMer's decide and crown the BEST BUTT MEISTER for the 2007 Marathon Makeover.

What do you say Dr. Butt?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Between the Ears!

I am so proud of each and everyone of you who have stayed the course and continue to move forward toward the goal of finishing the Chicago Marathon! Some of you have aches and pains... OK, most of you have aches and pains... but you have earned them and they speak to your courage to persevere!

We are coming up on our 22nd group run and it is amazing to think of how far we have come in 22 weeks. Not only have we drastically improved physically (you thank God that it is ONLY 8 miles this weekend) but as a community you are a loving, supportive, encouraging group of the finest people I've met.

So 14 weeks to go until we line up for the Chicago Marathon. Believe it or not, the hardest part is what you will do between the ears. There is no more need to race between here and October 7th, just slow and steady building up to the starting line of the marathon... healthy. You will have to overcome some self-doubts and those haunting whispers in your mind that start telling you what your time will be and how the city will be shut down before you finish. You will have to remind yourself that 13.1 was supposed to be hard and you are not supposed to be ready for 26.2 miles in June.

Stay the course. Use the low mileage weeks to recover from the longer weeks and keep connected to the group. You can do this! You are marathoners!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Ran the Hills!

Scotty and I met up in Vicksburg this morning at 6:30 to run the six mile loop at the military park in Vicksburg this morning. It was a nice run and I ran it in 59:57. I sprinted to get in under 60 minutes!

I think we will do that from here on out, so if any of you want to meet in Vicksburg on Monday mornings at 6:30 to run a HILLY six miles - come and join us! It's a lot of fun (wink, wink) but it beats trying to do that at noon!

This is the time to stay focused on your training, go early in the morning before the sun gets real hot and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

12 Miles in Mississippi = 16-18 in Chicago!

I promise, today was brutal! With the humidity and heat and hills I was struggling. Today's difficulty really is like 16 to 18 miles in Chicago. 26.2 miles with 45-70 degree temperature, 20% humidity, 1.5 million screaming spectators, and 45,000 other runners is a cinch compared to this morning. If you can go 18 miles (equivalent), the other 8.2 is not even from Lakeshore to Fox Bay and back - you got this one beat!

After we got all packed up, Robin, Matt and I went to Fleet Feet then Nagoya. Nagoya wasn't open yet (30 minutes to kill) so we went to Target and got a dumbbell set, a blender, and some other Robin junk. THEN, Nagoya!! Edamame and gyoza for starters then four salmon sushimis, spicy tuna rolls, spicy shrimp rolls, crawfish rolls, avocado rolls (not worth it) and lots of water. Yum, yum!

Robin and I have been cleaning the house getting ready for a dinner party/shower for Run Freak Scotty and his wife, Amy, (little girl coming soon) and this is the first time I have sat down
and I could crash!

Oh, I bought a 50' fresh water hose on the Internet to fill up the coolers. Now I can put all the coolers in the truck and then fill them up and not throw out my back. What do they say - work smarter not harder?! It had better not make the water taste funky, but then again it couldn't be worse than Jackson water.

Well, I had better go ice the drinks - the guests will be arriving shortly. Blog on Marathoners - ONLY 6 miles next Saturday!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

One Day Doesn't Determine the Next!

What a true statement! Robin always says that and today was case in point. As you might recall, Tuesday was a HORRIBLE running day for me but today, my 5.5 miles in 53:38 was effortless and pain free. Why? Who knows! I did stretch and work on loosening up my calves and hydrated more and rested and today was awesome with no residual pain.

So what's the moral of the story? Stick with it because tomorrow might be even better!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Today stunk! Did you hear me? Today STUNK!!!!!!!

I knew I should've listened to my body and rested! But NoOOOOOoooo! My calves were tight, my quads shredded from yesterday's hills and my shin was feeling crunchy but I got up and set out to do an easy 30 minutes. It was not pretty and at about mile two, my toe caught the other shoe's lace loop and I almost tripped and fell. I didn't, but I had to stop and bend over and tie my shoe (one handed in the street) and the rigor mortis set in and I limped (saying wee, wee, wee) all the way home.

I stretched and advilled and I'm doing OK but I am glad tomorrow is XT! I did stop by Fleet Feet and picked up some gels and Endurox (post workout) and figured out the extra mile for us on Saturday. We will run a loop around Colonial Heights Baptist Church parking lot to get in the extra distance to make 10 miles.

Anyway, those of you who are walking slower, you might need to have a water bottle for the run. You can always use the one included in your pack or Fleet Feet has ordered some with hand sleeves or belts.

Be careful and start hydrating for Saturday now! Blog on Marathoners!

Monday, May 21, 2007

I Did It!

Scotty and I hit the V'burg park and did our Monday ritual of 6 miles along the hell hills of history. As might have recalled, last week it kicked my booty and I did it in 1:06 and I felt as if breaking an hour would be an elusive, unrealistic goal. Well.... not today... I did it!

I ran up all the hills and only took an extra 1:39 walk break (not on the hills) and I finished in 59:29!!! I dropped over a minute per mile from last week. What do I attribute it to? A few things:
  1. I have hydrated better.
  2. It was cooler.
  3. I ate a few sports beans at the start.
  4. I took two Clif Blocks at mile 3; and
  5. I didn't wear my Garmin so I didn't track my pace constantly. Hmmmmm.
All in all, it was a good run and I'm feeling pretty good without all the aches and pains. I switched back to my Brooks running shoes (with green superfeet inserts) and that is helping with the shin splints.

Now, I wonder if I can beat 50 minutes?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Rest is Training...

Sometimes rest is the best training! Yesterday I ran at noon the Vicksburg park 6 miles. It was 90+ degrees and boy was it tough! I almost overheated and had to walk 2 of the big hills on the second half of the run. I started out trying to keep a 10 minute pace but wound up with an 11:02 pace finishing in 1:06:14. I was so glad I had water back at the car and along the way but boy oh boy was I zapped!

So today I listened to my body and rested instead of ran. Resting is so important and learning to listen to your body is key to going the distance and not getting injured.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Too Much!

What a great run Saturday! I hope you enjoyed the course.

After the run, one of runners came up to me (sorry, you are going to be used as an example) and said, "I know you said to stick to the schedule... BUT I've been adding extra miles to the training to try and get stronger. Instead of 5 miles, or 50 minutes, I've been doing 10 miles. Now my leg is hurting and I am wondering what to do?"

Well, let's see... STICK TO THE SCHEDULE!!!!!!!!

I want you to know that the training schedule has been put together by studying leading experts in marathon training and taking their combined input and compiling a program that fits our marathon date. This schedule has been looked at and approved by trainers who have many marathons under their belt and it works!

Last year, Brian Lee got anxious and overdid it. When the schedule called for 50 minutes - he did 2 hours. When it said go slow, he figured fast would make it better. How did Brian do? He watched the race results on his computer from home. He was injured in the training and dropped out. He said it was so depressing! This year, Brian sticks to schedule and he is doing great and will finish the marathon.

When I hear or see you deviating from the schedule I get very, very concerned. I know you are going to hurt yourself and risk missing the trip. I also get concerned because when you get injured and drop out, I'm left holding the bag for your room in Chicago that I've signed a contract to pay for.

I know some of you see Scotty running and training at a different level of intensity and with an advanced training schedule. Keep in mind the following - Scotty is in his early 30's, he ran cross country on a college level, he's played semi-pro soccer for years and has remained active all his life... but most importantly, he is genetically made up to be a running freak! Don't copy him - run your own race and stick to the training.

If you feel that you need a special training program that takes into count your special circumstances, please talk to me first and let's talk and see if we can avoid you getting injured and get you to the starting line healthy!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ran the Lake!

I decide I wanted a change today, so I ran from my house to the lake across town and back. All together it was 6.95 miles and I did it in 1:11:17. It was a nice run and I enjoyed seeing the town of Clinton wake up. Since I was running on busy streets, I left the iPod at home and soaked up the sounds of nature. You gotta be careful with those cars.

I kept my mouth shut when I saw two ladies walking with traffic but I so wanted to tell them to get over on the other side. I didn't - I'm not their coach - but it's kinda like seeing someone's tag sticking out of their shirt and wanting to tuck it in but you don't dare do it because they will probably cuss you out for being too familiar (when you're really a stranger). Am I the only one who has that urge?

Anyway, I am going to shoot the last segment of my video tomorrow and that will wrap the first two installments of our video series - eight to go! I will also rest and get ready for the 7AM run on Saturday morning!

Blog on Marathoners!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I Ran on Wednesday!

I ran today because my body said rest yesterday. I did my speed training run this morning is the wonderful fogthat kept the heat away. I ran 3 - 1 mile repeats with a 1/2 mile rest in between. I ran my first mile in 7:36- wow! My second mile in 7:54 and my last mile in 8:01. It felt good and the COLD bath reading "Car and Driver" was nice! Good review on your new Civic, Matt!

Anyway, off to get my new pair of glasses and then to work!

Blog on Marathoners!

Monday, May 07, 2007


Some days are slug days! Today was one BUT I actually was a faster slug than last V'burg day. I ran with Scotty the 6 mile route in the Vicksburg Military Park and it was tough! I walked a good bit (more than I wanted to) but I finished the six miles in about 1:00:30 which is 3 minutes faster than my best time before BUT I walked a lot of those hills - Uggghhhh! Hopefully I will be able to run those hills by October without my heart racing away.

All in all, I would rather have a slug day running than a slug day not running. Life is good!

Blog on Marathoners!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Cannonball Run Fun!

What a great run today at the Cannonball 10K + 2 in Raymond. I was so proud to see all my MM'ers out there in force and you did it! You want to know something? I'll tell you. I heard about a lady on the course running and running off her mouth dissing my MM'ers saying you didn't know anything about marathoning. She was a snooty running type (I've found that to be a rarity) who obviously likes thinking of herself as exceptional. Well, I have to tell you I would rather have 160 Newbies with me in Chicago than a handful of snits who think they are better because they can go faster.

I've learned there are two types of people - Glory Robbers and Glory Givers. We were all created by God for glory (to have our true essence and nature revealed). When, for whatever reason, a person has a glory deficit they will go throughout their life trying to gain glory. Glory Robbers believe that by robbing others of their glory and dignity they will somehow gain more glory and dignity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Glory Robbers inevitably have their glory and dignity slip through their hands like air slipping through fingers.

Glory Givers have learned that glory and dignity come by giving glory and dignity to others. In my opinion, we are most human when we give glory and dignity to others. God is the source of all glory and dignity and just like He gives glory and dignity freely to others (Remember how much taller Zacchaeus felt when he was accepted by Jesus and how he was liberated to stop his thieving ways?) we ought to learn that the good life comes by participating in His spreading around the glory and dignity.

What do I love about my MM'ers? I see a team of Glory Givers who inspire, love, support and encourage each other - even non-MM'ers! You all are a blessing and you are beloved children of God in whom He is well pleased!

End of the Sunday School lesson - Blog on Marathoners, 8 miles never felt so good!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Great Quote!

"Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
— Edward Stanley: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I'm Baaaack!

This trip was a marathon in itself! The bus ride to Orlando didn't end until 1:30am on Sunday morning (we left at 7am Saturday). We spent three whole days at Disney (1) and Universal (2) and walked (ran to roller coasters) each and every day the whole time.

What did I like about it? I had the energy to keep going and going and going! I was telling the kids to hurry up. We aren't guaranteed more years for our life but this marathoning has given me more life for the years! The bus ride home was the bus ride from HELL! We left at 6PM and returned to Clinton at 6:30 this morning.

I didn't run at all but I think the mileage I put in should count for something. I am looking forward to the 10K Saturday and I hope all of you are doing well. See you Saturday early!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday was not off for me!

Since I am going to be on a bus tomorrow heading to Disney with my daughter, I took yesterday off and ran my 7 miles this morning. Beautiful day! I started at 8:20ish and did 4:1 intervals around my neighborhood. I felt great and did the mileage in about 1:06. I carried my water bottle with me and forced myself to only drink every two miles and kept a good walk pace during my 1 minute rests. I slowed from 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 and finished strong at the end.

It always amazes me how much we can do when we put our minds, wills and bodies to something. Here we are in the fattest state in the country and I'm running 7 miles before 9:30 in the morning and all of you will be doing the same tomorrow. Wouldn't it be great if we led the way out of last place and inspired others to get up and get moving?! In many ways we are ambassadors of health charged with making a difference and inspiring those around us that they can do so much more... if they choose.

This all started out 13 weeks ago with a decision and simple disciplines taken daily that have compounded to the ability to go 7 miles. Just think what October will bring for you and those you touch by refusing to be a couch potato.

Blog on Marathoners!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Woke up this morning feeling fine...

The alarm went off at 5:30 this morning and it wasn't as bad. I changed the radio alarm to PRM and I woke to strings instead of Poison. I met Neal at the top of the street at 6:00 and we had a nice 3.25 mile run. We took it easy and ran through without stops and kept a 10 minute pace. I am amazed at how easy it is to run the regular routes after I run the Hell Hills of Vicksburg.

It's great to see everyone progressing and seeing the potential they have. 7 miles is so incredible and for me that is always the Aha moment. It will feel like a huge accomplishment for all of you. I won't be there as I will be on a bus with a bunch of 9th grade songbirds heading to Disney. Robin, Matt and Scotty will have you ready to go and you will have a great run. I will get mine in on Friday morning and try to grab some running in Orlando.

Blog on marathoners!

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Hills Kicked My Butt!

Those dang V'burg hills kicked my butt today! First of all, I didn't run them with pizza in the stomach thinking that would help - I ran 2 minutes slower! What's up with that? I ran in the heat (and it was Hades hot - until summer of course) and it was kicking my butt. I ran to the top of Mt. Everest (the big bad winding hill) and laid out on a monument and recovered my racing heart and finally at mile 5 told Scotty to go for it. The young punk ran the last mile in 6 minutes! SIX MINUTES!!!!!

I finished my run in 1:05:30 and was pooped! 2 minutes slower than last time and I think I will get that pizza for the next time I run the park. Blog on Marathoners!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Be Careful!!!

On our runs I notice that some of you are still thinking you are bigger and badder than SUVs and other light machinery. Road safety is a must!

ALWAYS run facing traffic and NEVER more than two side by side. When a vehicle is approaching go to single file and get over! Get in the grass if you have to!

If you run with an iPod or headphones, wear only one earphone or turn the volume down low enough to hear approaching runners and cars.

Finally, be aware of the running surface and watch your step. Don't stare at your feet when you run but be aware of the surface, looking ahead, and prepare for bumps.

Staying healthy and safe is the key and if you do so, you will finish the marathon.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Is it Easier?

Is it easier to get in your miles? I know that seems like a weird question but I want to ask you a few things and get you to think about a few other.

Is it easy for you to do one mile? How about two or three? Is four a distance that doesn't scare you? If you answered yes, then this training is working. You are getting better!

But, Mark, six miles isn't easy! It's not supposed to be! This week we are going further than you have gone before and it is a stretch. It should be hard. But five isn't as hard now, neither is 4,3,2 or 1! Each week should be harder and the hardest of all will be 26.2 miles BUT by that time 18, 20, and 22 will be easy.

The long runs are hard and will always be hard but the previous weeks will always be easier. So stay the course and continue your growth - you are doing that, you know!

People are like rubber bands, they are only effective if they are stretched!

Saturday Location Change!!

Spread the Word!

** Update ** Saturday Run - April 21, Baptist Healthplex, Clinton - 8:00 a.m.

I hate to do this at such a late notice BUT we need to change the location of the group run to Clinton this Saturday morning. March of Dimes is having their walk at Lakeshore Park this Saturday and will take over the area. Instead of competing for space, we are moving out of the way.

NEW LOCATION - Clinton Baptist Healthplex Side Parking Lot
TIME: Video Shoot at 7:20 - Group Run at 8AM

Please tell every Marathon Makeover participant you know so we don't miss anyone.


I Could've Run All Morning!

You have to sing that title to the tune of "I Could've Have Danced All Night." but this morning I had a great run! I linked up with Neal Lehan last night and since he lives around the corner we decided to run together. I set the alarm for 5:50 and we agreed to meet at 6:20 at the top of the hill. I didn't sleep well! I kept thinking I was going to oversleep or miss the alarm. I don't know why, my alarm SCREAMS at me and Robin always shoots daggers at me when it goes off. At least that is what I think she is doing but I can't see because it is so dark.

Anyway, the alarm did SCREAM and I did make it in time and there was Neal waiting. We ran a 5 mile loop around the neighborhood. At the end and 52 minutes later, I felt great! It felt like I could've done 5 more. I like it when it is like that!

Last night I did another thing that I have wanted to do. I registered for the Disney Marathon, January 2008. The Goofy Challenge was full (half marathon Saturday, full marathon Sunday) and the half is 70% full but the full is only 50% full. I think it will be fun and it will be good to run it with a few of the MMers who are running that, too or instead of Chicago. So that should be 5 marathons by 42 years old and to think that 4 years ago I was a couch potato. Life is good!

I look forward to seeing all of you Saturday at 7:20 for the shooting and 8AM for the 6 miles. Blog on Marathoners!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I hit the Healthplex tonight for a quick XT. 25 minutes on the elliptical and boy did I drop the sweat! I saw Randy Underwood and enjoyed catching up and saw Gail George's brother-in-law who just ran the Boston Marathon - 3:47 wow!

Great day and I look forward to a morning run! Blog on Marathoners!

Registration is Closed!

Well the registration for Chicago Marathon is officially closed! They have reached their capacity and it is too late if you missed out. We have around 160 of our team that bit the bullet and registered for the marathon. Very good! I know that there are many different reasons some of you didn't register - like running other marathons - but I will miss not having all of you in Chicago and will have a blast with those of you who do!

We are still early on in our training and I hope you won't get discouraged. Some of you aren't as fast as you would like to be. That is OK - take it slow - there is time for that! Some of you haven't lost the weight you had wished - we are just cranking up the mileage and when you are doing 10 - 12 miles on Saturday and the regular during the week your body will be screaming for fat to burn. Just eat healthy and be patient! Some of you are aching - your body might be saying "watch out for too much, too soon, too fast." You scream at me - "How long will it take?" I hear you! It will take as long as it takes! many of you are couch potatoes wanting to reverse years of slide - this is a life change that will produce the results in time - not a quick fix. If you get healthy, your body will get healthy - it just waits a while to catch up with your will!

You can do this and stay the course and 160 of us will eat cheesecake in Chicago!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Oh the Miles!

Scotty and I ran in Vicksburg yesterday afternoon. We ran the Battlefield Park again but this time went the 6 mile loop. It kicked my tail! Whew! We ran up and down some huge hills (much larger than the little loop I did last week!) and I actually had to walk up a few. I had eaten a Subway pizza for lunch (with turkey, bell peppers, olives, carrots, jalapenos) and I felt it every step of the way! We made it through the loop in 1:03:21 so it wasn't too bad but I would like to run it better. I need to start out slower.

On an interesting note, I went out this morning and decided to do a light workout and ran a slow 5K without stopping. I did it in 30 minutes. Hmmm - I ran six up and down hills in an hour taking walk breaks - 3:1 - and did 3 miles in 30 minutes without stopping. Isn't that interesting!? That's why I say that walk breaks don't slow you down.

I hope you are all keeping steady in your training and staying the course. You can do this! Blog on Marathoners!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

20 Minutes!

Twenty minutes after everyone left this morning due to lightning it cleared off and was beautiful! I got in a nice run of 5 miles and ran past those of you who got caught out in the rain (who left their cake out in the rain and survived?).

This was a first for Marathon Makeover. We have never had to call a run and next time I will encourage everyone to hang around for at least 30 minutes. Anyway, first are important and I hope each of you fins a way to get in your 5 miles!

More later! Blog on Marathoners!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Hills, Baby!

I didn't run this morning, so I took my running stuff with me to work in Vicksburg and after work I hit the Battlefield Park. The route I ran was 2.6 miles and so I did it twice in 52 minutes. Boy was it hilly! I mean Clinton hills and Belhaven hills are nothing compared to the park in Vicksburg. I actually think I could have done it faster if I had run some of it smarter.

Anyway, what a great workout! I loved that and will definitely do that again! This coming Saturday will be great and I look forward to the early start. Keep it up Marathoners and yes, I ran up that first hill!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

What Wonderful Weather!

This is the kind of weather I dream of! This is what Chicago can feel like on Marathon day! I hit the pavement thismorning and had a fantastic run. 5.35 miles and I felt strong. I actually ended up running faster at the end instead of being worn out. I love a great run and I love exploring neighborhoods on foot.

It is amazing how all of you are continuing to grow in your strength and endurance and you are beginning to experience the impact of your simple disciplines. I remember how hard the first 3-5 miles were and how easy each additional mile became. I still sometimes need 3 miles before I stop creeking and popping.

If you will stay the course, you will be able to do this. Don't lose sight of the prize!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I need a quieter alarm clock!

My alarm clock blasted Jack FM this morning at 5AM and Robin and I both jumped! The only problem is she had another 1.5 hours before she had to get up. I apologized and got up and got moving. I hit the road by 5:30 and got in 4.5 miles and enjoyed running in the dark. The only thing was when I ran past the pound I kept imagining every stick was a snake.

I returned home and everyone was asleep except my baby, Caroline who always is up with the sun. I stretched and stretched and hydrated and took a cool shower. I had to leave early with Robin and Carline so I could get to the car shop and pick up my Mini Cooper. I had four new tires put on, new struts and suspension arms and all the alignment and boy does it glide! It is amazing how well it rides now - no shimmy or shakes! I felt so good I took the Interstate but the JPD were out in force and giving tickets. A person started passing me just as a cop was shooting his radar at me and he pulled over the faster of us two. Whew!

It feels great to get started early and I think I will start rising at 5 again and getting my miles in. I hope all of you are doing well and are staying the course. Let me, Robin or Matt know if we can help and keep blogging and jogging!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

I am tired!

Robin and I got in last night at 1:30AM! After an incredible meeting with inspiring testimonies, a fantastic 4 mile run - you did it - we went to Fleet Feet at 4PM to get ready to shoot our video for "Get Your Gear On" for our second Marathon Makeover. The store closed and we started shooting and shooting and shooting. Whew! It was a great experience but loooong!

Bama and Cheryl LaSource graciously starred in our video and I know it was more than they bargained for but THANKS! Your help will inspire other marathoners around the country one day. Hopefully soon!

Marathoners, you did it! Yesterday you needed to finish four miles and you did it! You are on your way to getting to the starting line. So many of you just nine weeks ago could barely do a mile through the streets of Belhaven and now you are doing 4 miles. Inspiring! The other miles are just as in your reach as yesterday's miles. Little steps forward compound to massive success! You are marathoners!

I hope you have a great training week and get ready for this coming Saturday's week when we wrap up our learning phase and start building our distance for the big event. If you can make it through the first ten weeks, you have it!

Blog on Marathoners!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I ran instead of XT

Ok, I broke the rules and ran today instead of cross training. Why? Technology made me do it. I got the iPod thingy for my Nano and shoe and had to try it out. It did great EXCEPT as I was running I forgot to zip up my pocket and in the middle of the run my music stopped and I saw my iPod skidding across the street and cars were coming from both directions.

Remembering safety, I darted into the street and grabbed the iPod and forgot about getting run over. It was OK, I was OK and the tunes still played and the only thing that happened was some road rash on the iPod.

Fun. I uploaded it to the Nike+ site and it gave me all the info of my run. It was about 1/10 of a mile off from my GPS watch (yes, I'm a tech-no geek) so I will calibrate it.

I hope all of you are doing well and are staying on pace.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I Ran Again!

I ran again this morning and it felt sooo good. I probably need to massage, stretch and ice tonight to be on the safe side. I linked up with Chuck Gautier today, we had lunch and got a free tech shirt at Fleet Feet for trying on Brooks shoes. They discontinued my favorite pair but I bought a new pair of Nikes that felt very sweet and I got a thinga-ma-jiggy for my iPod that I can put in my shoe and it works with my nano. I can't wait to try that out!

I hope all of you are doing well and I want to encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and start making some new acquaintances. It is good to see some of you doing that and I promise we will have name tags for this coming Saturday!

Blog on Marathoners!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Got Supplements?

Throughout my training, I have used Advocare products to keep me going. You can look through their incredible line of products that are used by professional athletes across the country. Performance, weight loss and vitamin support are all available.

Go to to check out what might work for you.

Ran and Race Walked

Well, I got out on the road today and tried out the old leg. I started easy with my iPod, Thermoskin calf sleeve and an stroll. I saw a cat get run over, but it ran away - just a lot of fur flying - and by the end of the street I decided to give the leg a try.

I ran a bit - not bad - 1 minute of running - let's try the race walking. Wow, that does make the shins pop! I walked at a 14:45 pace and I figured I could do that for a marathon - 6:30 marathon, that is.

The leg felt better and better and I ran more and it started feeling great! I didn't push it but I did get it going some and I felt great. Stretching afterwards was good and no residual pain - let's hope that stays.

INTERESTING - I read today in my advanced training for marathons book that when training for marathons your body burns carbohydrates and fat. When you are going fast, your body burns carbs. When you are walking and going slower, your body is burning fat. Hmmmmm.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I know some of you are possibly experiencing some sticker shock with the travel plans. That is so normal and I want to assure you that the travel arrangements are right on target with what we planned from the start. As you remember, in the FAQ section and at the kick-off meeting, we stated that the cost for the travel package would fall in the $800-$1,000 range for those in a shared room. With the quad rate hitting $920, I am pleased that we were able to hit our target.

Now, for just a minute I want you to consider the following:

- Staying in the heart of Chicago in a 5 star hotel on the biggest event of the year.
- Hanging out with all the people you have trained with for 9 months.
- Sharing a meal, memories and encouragement with your team members and family before the race.
- Having 1.5 million people cheer you for 26.2 miles.
- Actually running and walking with 45,000 other marathoners (Elvis, Kermit, the cow and the barefoot runner, too).
- Experiencing possibly a once in a life-time event that you will share with others for the rest of your life.

What do I call the trip to Chicago? Priceless!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

What a Week!

I've been sitting here working on MM and getting all the travel stuff together. Looks good... especially after the Hilton scare. I think we will actually have better accommodations and I know better service.

My leg is still hurting - calf strain - and I have gotten a Thermoskin calf support that is like a snug sleeve that helps with calf strains and shin splints. Too bad my shin splint is on the other leg and I can't kill two birds with one stone (therm0skin).

I have not exercised all week and I will need to get to the Healthplex and get in my cardio even if I need to lay off a few more weeks for the pounding. I'm not stressed. I have had worse and I still have done all my marathons!

A friend of mine is coming Saturday to talk about speed walking and it should be very helpful. She even said she would make it to the levee to help out.

Well, I'm getting back to work on MM - stay the course marathoners!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Cars Really Do Win!

Randy gave us such a great meeting yesterday and the information was right on target. Safety is everything when you are training!

Have you ever been run over by a car? I have and it hurts! I was 12 years old and I was run over by a '76 Monte Carlo. Ouch!

I noticed many of you yesterday walking three and four wide in the road and when a car came by, you made them move over. PLEASE move to single file and get to the very side of the road. Give the cars plenty of room for a couple reasons:

1) Eventually some car will not move over and someone will get hurt; and

2) Let's be good neighbors and not create a traffic snarl. If we tick off enough drivers the police will get contacted and they will ask us not to run on the streets around Clinton and we have a lot of miles to go!

Good safety and form is moving to the side or off the road and go to single file. We will get a lot of miles in that way - safely and friendly!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Listen to your body!

I got out on the road this morning and ran my route. I got to 3.5 miles and felt a pain in my left calf. What did I do? I stopped and stretched and started running again. Did the pain stop? No. What did I do? I walked the final mile home.

Listen to your body. In the past I didn't listen to my body and pushed through only to further aggravate the area. I have learned. I will listen to my body.

What happened? I think several things. I was still a little stiff from the weekend and not stretched well enough. It was cold out there and that probably added to the stiffness. I have learned this - there is plenty of time and pain is telling my body something. I do best when I listen to it and adjust. I don't quit - I just adjust.

Get to the starting line healthy is the goal and that road is up and down... but Chicago is flat!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

What's in Your Warehouse?

The body is a funny thing! It kind of functions like a warehouse. Product comes in and product goes out. The warehouse manager's job is to keep a balance on the supplies and keep you in business as long as he/she can.

If you starve yourself, the warehouse manager says, "He we have supply problems, we better hold onto the good stuff that will keep us in operation longest!" Guess what the good stuff is? You guessed it -FAT!

The warehouse manager is a tricky dude. You can't just fool him/her with a few weeks of change in shipments. All that has been done before and the manager knows that things will return to normal and the same old same old will reoccur. So what does the manager do? NOTHING! The manger has been there and done that and has a dozen T-shirts with yo-yo's on them.

BUT, if you stay the course, the manager gets the idea that their is a new boss in town and it is time to change operations. "Hey guys, you gotta clear out the warehouse and make room for the new product. We are running out of room! Get rid of that fat, it takes up too much space - we have lean shipments coming in!"

You can help the manager get the picture by tricking it and make him believe there is a flood of orders. Send in healthy shipments 5-6 times a day and the manager will freak out and start moving fat product to make room. BUT if you don't stay the course, the manager will wise up, sit on his/her can and say, "Don't worry the boss will get over this wild hair and be back to normal in a few weeks."

Stay the course and the warehouse manager will have to change and you will see a change in the warehouse and wearhouse. It take three months of consistent change for the manager to get with it and realize there is a new sheriff in town! Stay the course and blog on Marathoners!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I ran today!

Yes, I did not XT but in celebration of my news I went out and ran! Yes, I raaan, I ran so far away... had to get away.

It felt great and I got in 3.5 miles. I liked running knowing what that ache was and not "stressing" about it. No pains other than a twinge and that is what Ibuprofen is for!

I am going back to work. Blog on Marathoners!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Oh Beautiful Shin Splints!!

I have never been happier to be diagnosed with shin splints than today! Yes... I have shin splints!

A little history: With my second marathon, I developed a stress fracture. Why? When I was 12 years old, I got run over by a '76 Monte Carlo and broke my leg really bad. Actually the bones came out in three places - really bad!

After my first marathon I ramped up for my next marathon with too much, too soon and too fast. I actually tried to run a mile at a 7 minute pace. I pulled my hamstring, didn't rest and it cascaded into a stress fracture. I still healed and I still finished the marathon and I started training for my third marathon in the January of 2006.

In the middle of the night, January 2006, I ran into the couch and little did I know, I broke my toe. I still trained and in the middle of the summer I felt something like my stress fracture on the opposite leg. Being skidish, I dropped way back, self-diagnosed a stress fracture of the tibia and hit the elliptical. I still did the marathon and I layed off until Christmas and started running again.

I started feeling the pain again and a radiologist friend offered to scan me to make sure. It's been a stinking shin splint. I definitely had one in 2005. But not last year and not now! How cool!

Yes, the shin splint is sore, but how do you like them apples?! I'm healed! I'm OK! I can keep running! cool, Cool, COOL!!!!

So what do you learn from this. I know what I'm talking about when I say to watch out for too much, too soon and too fast. I've made the mistakes and you can learn from them!

That's all for now! Blog on Marathoners!

Monday, February 26, 2007


What a beautiful morning! The temperature was cool enough to wear shorts but I still wore the long sleeve shirt, fleece vest and a glove. I love this weather! I ran for 38 minutes and got in 3.5 miles and enjoyed my 2:1 walk:run interval. Nice!

I just finished eating my oatmeal taking my calcium and I am about to get ready for a long day in Vicksburg. I hope all of you are stretching before and after your runs and I hope you are focusing on the small steps, not the big picture! To sound like the Christmas Abominable Snowman and Kris Kringle - Put one step in front of the other and soon you will be walking out the door!

Blog on Marathoners!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

One Hill in Chicago!

Do you remember that last hill on Saturday's run before you got back to the Activities Building? Up the last hill and you're home? Remember the hill - that is as bad as it gets in Chicago!

One problem - it is at 25.9 miles and is right before you turn the corner for .2 miles and the finish line BUT that is as bad as it gets. The rest is F-L-A-T!

We had a great meeting and all of you are so inspiring! We love leading Marathon Makeover and we (Robin, Matt and I) are here for you. If you need anything - anything - contact us. We are committed to your success!

Another week on the simple steps to marathon glory. Blog on Marathoners!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mistake at Chic Fil A

OK... I went to Chic Fil A tonight to give Robin a break and I ordered food for Robin, Caroline (youngest daughter), Matt (should be our son) and myself. I didn't do well, I ordered a fried chicken sandwich (Combo No. 1) and was going to enjoy every last bite of it.

I got home and they left out my order!!! So, I ate a ham sandwich with lettuce and Kashi 7 grain crackers. I ate healthy!!! The Super Foods gods were watching out for me!

I didn't get to XT today so I ran for 30 minutes and listened to my daughter's rap music (KJ52) and had a good time running to "Yo Bref Stanks!"

I hope you all are doing well and how do you like my pacman game on my blog?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What a Wonderful Morning!

What a great morning to run! I had a great 3.5 miles run/walk and it felt great out there! I love this weather and yet the rain is coming.

Now I am sitting here eating oatmeal with wheat germ, blueberries and walnuts. Super Food! The exercise gets me ready for a long day and I am amazed at how expending energy creates energy! Get your time in!

Monday, February 19, 2007


I do believe I have caught up on my rest! I took today off and just did a little bit of work but mainly vegged out and relaxed. I needed it!

All of you are doing so well and I also know that many of you are beginning to experience some doubts. That is OK - doubts are to be expected. But if you have successfully finished one of the weeks of training you can do this. The weekly training is very doable and the Saturday training will gradually increase - gradually!

This is well within your reach and all you have to do is stick with it. What you are going to start experiencing is your stuff starting to surface.

Stuff is the stuff you stuff with stuff. What?

We all have things we have struggled with that we really don't want to face. So what do we do? We keep the stuff down by keeping busy, or staying lazy, or by over-eating, or over-working, or addictions, or many, many more things we do to avoid the stuff going on inside of us.

When we start the Marathon Makeover process the daily steps of getting healthy starts to shake loose the stuff that has been stuffed down. At first it scares us, but if we will push through we will get free of the stuff and move on to healthiness. Everything in us will try to revolt but don't let the stuff win!

I will podcast on this this week! Blog on marathoners!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

42 Minutes - 4 Miles

I just finished 42 minutes in my favorite weather and did 4 miles. Listening to Reliant K on my daughters iPod and having a great rum/walk. Now I am eating a bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon, walnuts, blueberries and little bit of brown sugar - yum! Yes, I've stretched and now I have to go to a professional conference for my marriage and family therapy CEU's. Whoohoo!

Please everyone, if you have been sedentary before MM, do not run yet! I know you are feeling good and thinking "just a little running" but wait, Wait, WAIT! There will be plenty of time! AND, if you have been properly fitted for your shoes, get them today! The proper foundation has to be laid to build a sturdy house.

You SHOULD be feeling some aches and pains - that is normal - just be sure to ice! Listen to my podcast on icing. Gotta run to the shower then to the conference. Do I hear a cold bath calling?

Monday, February 12, 2007

No Rain this Morning!

The early weather reports stated that Monday would be wet. I am so glad that it was dry this morning. I walked and ran for 40 minutes and enjoyed myself thoroughly. The rain will probably come in tonight, but then I can run tomorrow in the rain - it's inevitable!

I hope all of you are enjoying your training and a special thanks to Matt for redesigning the website and making it look all spiffy! Way to go Matt!

Saturday we will get into eating healthy and speaking of which, I almost blew it today. I was running late for a meeting and only had time to stop in McDonald's. I didn't get the Quarter Pounder with cheese - I got the grilled chicken wrap. Not bad! WWMD? (What Would A Marathoner Do?) as Onetta said - I ate healthier!

Small steps of healthy choices compound over time to success. There was a time when I would have upsized the Quarter Pounder meal and felt sick all day - BUT I am a marathoner and I make healthier choices these days... mostly.

Blog on Marathoners!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Cars and Bikes

What a great day! The meeting turnout was fantastic and to see all of you moving up and down my streets is awesome. We will get even more stretching info to you and be sure to post your questions in the Forum.

After the meeting, I took my twins to learn to drive. It didn't go well. Teaching 14 year old girls how to drive a stick shift and maneuvering on a hill is crazy. There were tears and frustration and an overheated car from all the idling - yikes. We will do it again and this time I won't cry! (Wait, that wasn't me.)

Later, I flipped to the other side of the coin and removed the training wheels on my youngest daughter's bike (7) and she learned to ride without the training wheels. She did it! It felt great to be able to run up and down the street next to her and experience this with her.

I am pooped and the two oldest are going to the Sadie Hawkins dance tonight. Yikes again! I'm getting older and younger at the same time. Teenagers make me older, 7 year olds keep me young and Marathon Makeover keeps me stress free (almost) and in shape.

Blog on Marathoners!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Got my tires balanced...

I got my tires balanced today. Well, actually it was my spine and legs. Dr. Virgil Taylor is my chiropractor and he is very good at keeping me all aligned and just right for the miles. Every few w eeks I like to go and get him to work me over and it really makes a difference when I'm out on the road. I like the fact that he has experience as a personal trainer and is a knowledgeable athlete. Dr. T will be there Saturday and you will get a chance to hear and see him demonstrate what we need to do to keep ourselves stretched and free of injuries.

I had a good run this morning for 38 minutes and did my 2:1 intervals. 3.5 miles whirred by and I felt great afterwards. I love running!

I am looking forward to tomorrow's day off but I am more looking forward to my daughter's induction into the Honor Society. Way to go Kate!

Blog on Marathoners!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


XT on the elliptical is always a joy. I listened to the Los Lonely Boys and kept having to slow myself down. Saw Dr. Virgil Taylor and we discussed this Saturday. He is ready to go!

This is always a good day and I find it relaxing and a great prep for the rest of week. Running tomorrow, off on Friday and then the big day on Saturday. What a life!

I'm excited about all of you doing this and I love to read your blogs and see your stories unfolding. You can do this marathoners!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Road Rules!

Here is a link to a new podcast:

Road Rules!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Breathe Like a Baby...

I get asked a lot how to breathe when running or walking. Do I breathe through my nose? Can I breathe through my mouth? Here is the best answer:

Breathe like a baby!

Watch a baby breathe and you will see their little tummy rise and fall. They are breathing from their diaphragm. Deep breathing brings in the good air and circulates it throughout your whole body. Put your hand on your stomach and breathe and try to push out your hand. That's how you want to breathe will training. Through your mouth, through your nose, it doesn't matter. I breathe through my mouth - the key is not to go so fast that you are sucking wind!

This morning, I focused on my breathing and intervals. I ran for 2 minutes and walked for 1 minute and repeated that for 32 minutes. Funny thing, you would think that taking walk breaks would slow you down - it doesn't! I actually ran my mileage faster taking walk breaks than running the whole time and I recovered faster.

The intervals are good for your heart and will help you recover from the distances quicker. If you are not running yet, just go a little faster for some intervals.

You are marathoners and you are doing this! Keep it up!

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Did you see the headline on the Drudge Report? "Windchill 30 Below: Chicago"! I am so glad we are not running the marathon in February!

Usually the marathon starts at about 45 degrees and warms to high 60's. Last year was colder but also started two weeks later.

Yesterday was a great day and also felt like a blur! So many of you were there and I am so glad that all of you are training for the marathon. Throughout the training, you may be tempted to let some early aches and pains discourage you, but it is par for the course. Your body is going to react some to the changes you are going through.

Homeostasis - to remain unchanged - is the word (and concept) you must understand. It is the nature of any system to try to remain unchanged. As you begin your changes, the systems around you will exert pressure for you to revert to the old status quo. Your body, friends, family, etc. will all do their best to dissuade you from the changes you are making. If you will persist and break through the systemic resistance, you will achieve a new "status quo" (health), and your body, family, friends, etc., will seek to maintain that new way of life.

Keep focused on the simple steps and if you face and problems or have any questions, let me know. Also, use the Forum to post questions and let others in on your journey. If you are wondering about something, others probably are too!

Finally, when we get together on Saturdays, do your best to introduce yourself to new people and learn about their story. I already learned that Stan and Anita Hilton have quit smoking and are a week smoke free. Way to go!

Share your stories and let's do this together!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Slashing Tires and Making Up Days...

If you get a flat tire, I doubt any of you will get out of your car and slash the other three tires - that wouldn't make any sense. No , you would get out the spare, jack your car up and replace the flat tire. No big deal, just a minor inconvenience. The thought of slashing the other three tires is ludicrous.

Throughout this marathon training, you are going o have some blowouts. I've anticipated those in my schedule and I want you to know that is nothing to stress out over. When the blowouts occur, don't slash the whole program, or the rest of the week, just fix the flat by getting back on the horse the next day. That's all you have to do.

If you blow a meal and gorge on a whole pizza, don't gorge the rest of the day. Fix the tire and eat healthy the rest of the day. We ALL will have blowouts - that is to be expected. No biggie! Don't quit!

Just as it is important not to slash the three other tires, it is imperative that you don't try to catch up for lost time. If you miss a day to work or other things - you missed a day. Let it go! Don't try to make it up. It is passed and you can get back on the horse with the next training day.

Perfection is not needed in training for a marathon - just progression.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Met a Friend on the way

I was hitting one mile this morning, when off in the distance I saw a familiar frame. It was Scotty Rogers. He turned, I turned my ipod off and the two of us went two more miles together - running, walking and much talking. This is what I love about chance encounters along the marathon training journey.

I enjoy the conversations in my head and the serendipitous ones with friends. The weather felt great. I walked backwards down my street and worked out the shins. I am looking forward to Friday off.

See all of you Saturday at 9AM at the Jackson Baptist Healthplex.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Walk Like an Egyptian - Backwards

One of the things that is helpful to keep the shins from hurting and developing shin splints is to walk backwards at the end of your walk or run. I walk the length of my street - tenth of a mile - backwards making sure I roll through the whole range of motion for my step. (No walking backwards on tippy toes). I focus on lifting my toes as I roll my foot and this helps develop the muscles in your shins.

Most of you have strong calves and week shin muscles (yes, there are shin muscles) and the calves are pulling the muscles in the front. Strengthening the opposing muscle groups gives you balance and will help with shin splints.

Yes, the neighbors will think you are weird and don't try this on a treadmill, but it works. If you can't do this, do toe raises on a step or hearth and strengthen those shin muscles.

Cold Weather

Did I tell you I like cold weather? Actually, I love cold weather! There is nothing more invigorating than getting out in the cold weather and running a handful of miles and feel the warmth inside as the cold swirls around you. I love it!

But today is XT and hopefully all of you are doing something in the gym - remember, you get to use Baptist Healthplex on Sundays and Wednesdays for XTing (we'll give you cards on Saturday). Hit the bike, pool, elliptical, weights or something and have fun!

Blog on Marathoners!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Too Much, Too Soon, Too Fast...

You will hear me say "Watch Out for Too Much, Too Soon, Too Fast" many, many times. There is a danger of trying to do too much as you start this journey and if you do, you will injure yourself.

A lot of research, practical experience and professional sign-offs have gone into our training program and if you stick with it - you will be OK. Right now you are so excited and ready to get going that there is always the temptation to pull an Emerill - spice it up a notch. Don't!

The "BAM" can be added in June not January or February (or March, April or May for that matter). Just focus on today's activities and move.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Road Rules!

I just got in from a 34 minute run and walk. I went 3.0 miles and it felt invigorating in this cold weather! I love to run in cold weather!

Some of you may complain of your lungs feeling like they are freezing. There is a solution. Layer your clothing and cover your head. I wear a technical shirt (running shirt not cotton) under a fleece top. The tech shirt wicks away the moisture to the fleece and it moves it out to the outer layer keeping you warm inside. The head cover (not cotton) keeps your head warm and moves the moisture away from your head keeping your brains nice and toasty. And yes, I wear warm up pants with running shorts underneath. With that layering, I stay warm and my lungs don't feel frostbitten.

Enjoy the cold because the hot days are coming! I'm going to go stretch now! Blog on Marathoners!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Is Computing XTing?

Today I have been busy with church, meetings, emails, more meetings and getting your blogs up and going. I will hit the road early in the morning for my time.

Some of you may be wondering what in the world you are getting into. It's OK! Been there, done that and got three T-shirts! Don't focus on the big picture just the little box of the day of the week. All of you can do the schedule that is before you and the days and training will take care of the marathon. Focus on Today!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

What a Day!

What a day today with the kick-off of Marathon Makeover 2007! We had two meetings and each meeting had over 100 people coming to check out what all the hubbub was.

Robin, Matt and I are so excited to start training a whole new group of marathoners and are looking forward to making a whole group of new friends. It is possible to do this and before long you will be amazed at just how much you have in your basement (that is what Rocky Balboa says).

Take the small steps and follow the plan we have laid out for you and you will cross the finish line in Chicago on October 7th! More blogging later - I'm bushed!

Friday, January 26, 2007


Tomorrow we will kick off a great day and boy is it going to be exciting. Robin, Matt and I have been working hard to make Marathon Makeover the best experience yet! Hang on Marathoners!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Marathon Makeover Almost Here!

Just a few more days and the Marathon Makeover will kick off for its fourth year! I am so looking forward to a new batch of runners, walkers and woggers and I cannot wait to cross the finish line with all of you.

Here we go!